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Police: Fake cop startled when man insists on his rights


Transit Police report arresting a Quincy man on charges he pretended to be a cop during an incident at the Quincy Center Red Line stop earlier this month.

According to police, Michael Murray, 33, went up to a car parked in the pick-up area at the station around 5:25 p.m. on March 17:

The suspect male went on to demand the victims produce identification and then simulated speaking into his cell phone requesting "back up". The suspect male then ordered one of the victims to open the center console so he could see it's contents. At this time one of the victims requested the suspect male produce a badge and/or some form of police identification. The suspect male responded by unzipping his jacket and declaring " I don't need to show you anything ". At this time one of the victims exited the vehicle and the suspect fled the area.

Police say the two men in the car spotted Murray at Hancock and Granite streets, but as they drew near, he pulled a box cutter out from his waistband, started waving it at them and ordered them not to tell police what had happened.

The two did not respect his authority and, because of that, Transit Police started an investigation that led to Murray's arrest yesterday on charges of assault with a dangerous weapon and impersonating a police officer.

Innocent, etc.

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I called the Cambridge PD after some 70 year old "cop" flashed a badge that looked like it came out of a cracker jack box and pulled me over to yell at me for honking at him while he was stopped at a green light, and they were really not concerned about it at all. If real cops actually acted like professionals it would be harder for people like this to impersonate officers. Then again I guess apparently cops don't really care if you impersonate them. Must have been the knife brandishing that made them get off their ass and investigate something.

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Old white guys can do whatever the fuck they want, whenever the fuck they want. Get used to it.

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I grew up here, I'm very used to it. Still annoying though.

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True, that.

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I guess that's why so many of the homeless in Cambridge, Boston are 'old white guys' who can get away with anything, and have white guy connections *wink-wink-nudge-nudge* .

Speaking as a 30-something white guy from a poor background, I know I've just sailed through life, privileged oppressor that I am.

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Middle class or upper class white women, Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, homosexuals or both genders aren't more privileged than socioeconomicaly deprived white males of any sexual orientation?

Are there actual laws in place that give unfair advantage in things like employment, housing, education,etc., to white heterosexual males of any sexual orientation or socioeconomic status? Of course not. Are their laws in place that give more than equal treatment under the lae to 'oppressed' so-called minorities (READ: non heterosexual white men and boys)? Absolutely, yes. Some of them have been in place for half a century.

And BTW, I didn't mention my sexual orientation (I include non-heterosexual socioeconomically deprived white males) and I'll leave you guessing, but I am a white male from a socioeconomically 'oppressed' background.

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Yes, those straight white guys have got it made (ALL of them!), commit a disproportionate amount of crime, and have NEVER contributed anything to society. They should all just be shot on sight!

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Just because you don't want to admit it, doesn't mean that it isn't true.

And, yes, I can tell that neither you nor anon read the linked piece before you commented. Otherwise, you would have been able to offer a more specific rebuttal as to where the analogy fails, rather than BUTTHURT!!! Gawd forbid you learn something!

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Swirlly, I was going to write out a thoughtful response but someone who uses video game analogies and the word butthurt is obviously not smart enough to understand that generalizations about an entire race and gender of people is just as bad as stereotyping any race or gender in any way...by the way can you provide citations for your hypothesis?

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Now get back in the kitchen and make me some bacon and eggs!

After all, you're just a girl...see what I did there?

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My husband was the one who called out Cornbread for a foul for that.

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Your husband is Violet Palmer?!

Actually, I googled that quote and now I get what you are trying to say: Your husband called out Max on U-Hub for making a gender-biased statement...and you did the exact same thing tonight! He must be proud!

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Are you going to provide some statistics from a valid source that support your contention about poor white males being downtrodden relative to other demographic groups, or are we supposed to just believe it because you and a few websites devoted to the plight of your kind swear to God that it is true?

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No, because I don't think in those terms. We are all individuals with our own stories and challenges. Black, white, man, woman, rich, poor - I cannot tell by looking at you what your story is so I will not categorize you based on those factors. I tend to put people into two basic categories: selfish or selfless. If you look out for others you are cool with me, if you are only out for yourself then you suck. Everything else (for me) is irrelevant. Sorry.

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The "I just know it is true, so there" school of argument.


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Huh? Just admit you are wrong to make broad generalizations about people, learn something and move on Swirrly.

And please dont threaten to hit me with a shot put or sic your blackbelt husband on me. Violence (as you have threatened several times on U-Hub) is not the answer and will only result in negative consequences, trust me.

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What are you, 12?

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Edit: criminals in general have it made in MA

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How some scumbag flashing a fake badge at you is an indictment of police officers in general.

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The indictment is that when the guy pulled out a badge and acted like a total douche, that behavior was consistent with a real police officer.

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Because they seemed to not care at all when I called to report him like a good citizen is supposed to. And because he very well could have been a retired cop or court officer or something, and even though it would be totally illegal and unethical for someone like that to flash a badge on the road pretending to be acting as law enforcement, I could totally see someone doing that and having cops not care whatsoever since they always go out of their way to protect their own. I'm sure they ran the plates and knew the name and decided it wasn't worth investigating. I was going to contact the State Police but I have better things to do.

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I've found the Cambridge PD to be very good in the few interactions I've had with them. Actually in general Cambridge government officials come off as very competent.

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One of the calls that cops almost always care about is the impersonator call. Are you saying the dispatcher didnt care? Did you have enough information for them?

If yiu dont have a license plate or great description, there really isnt much the police can do though, so maybe that was what made them appear that way.

Or maybe you or the cop were simply assholes.

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Now they've given him a perfect picture to turn into a fake MBTA Police ID.

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He was actually at a T station and not as part of security theater. Come on now, nobody's buying that story.

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He's had a serious drug abuse problem over the past 5 years. Last I heard he was in recovery. That's sad to see. Glad no one was hurt.

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Since when did this blog become anti police? It's the police who caught this man.. Police are douche bags why? Cuz u can't keep speed down on highway or u can't handle ur booze and start fights? What's the issue? I am not a cop but I am anti criminal

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How is anything on this page anti-police?

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"The indictment is that when the guy pulled out a badge and acted like a total douche, that behavior was consistent with a real police officer." didn't mean all comments here. its that one example I took the wrong way. can we at least all agree this guy belongs in jail?

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They only caught the guy because these two people followed him themselves and then he pulled a knife on them. If they called the cops and said "hey there's some guy pretending to be a cop" they might have shown up an hour or two later to write a report.

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Looks like your just an asshole.

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would ever mistake this asinine gomer for a cop speaks volumes to how corroded people's bullshit detectors must be getting.

Good heavens, if he could get a job as a renta, guarding a vacant lot in an industrial wasteland, he'd be doing pretty well.

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Gomer? Now you've gone too far.

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