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Citizen complaint of the day: Not to jump to any conclusions, but these West Roxbury hopscotch boards are just wrong

Incorrect hopskotch board

This is just wrong.

A concerned citizen counts to ten before complaining about the two incorrect hopscotch boards at Draper Park, off Washington Street in West Roxbury. With a photo of a correct hopscotch setup at the Kilmer School.

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Its not that its 'incorrect', it just looks unfinished.

Its still usable and at least numbers are correct and in the right order!

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Can't see this challenging any kid older than 4 or 5 for more than a few seconds. On the other hand, complaining to the city is silly if you actually want it fixed before your kid is grown. The practical solution is obvious - a couple local parents should just get some masking tape, some outdoor paint, and paint a better one.

The same thing happened at my daughter's old school. They redid the playground, and mostly did a great job, but they painted in new hopscotch and foursquare fields that were too small. The kids adapted their foursquare game, but stopped playing with the hopscotch field.

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Nice early morning Office Space reference!

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Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning?

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George I hope so.

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Google "hopscotch" and you'll notice many variations of the hopscotch board, all of which are correct.

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The complainer is just from a different hopscotch denomination. Celebrate diversity!

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Great Lakes Regional Hopscotch Council of 1879 or Great Lakes Regional Hopscotch Council of 1912?

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People's Hopscotch Front of Judea!

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We're the Judean Hopscotch People's Front!

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Hopscotch Peoples Front of Judea here. Don't listen to those PHFoJ quacks.

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I always knew JP had the more complete hopscotch layouts than their West Roxbury counterparts.

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