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Feds sweep in on gang they blame for five murders in East Boston and Chelsea over past two years


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I hope they post mug shots of these cretins. They are a cancer on our society.

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"Psycho, Violento, Muerta........Chucky."

"No way, no way. Tried it once, doesn't work. You got four guys all fighting over who's gonna be Violento, but they don't know each other, so nobody wants to back down. No way. I pick. You're Chucky. Be thankful you're not Gordo.

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"Pocho" to me.

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Wasn't it Scarface who wanted his nickname to be Shmorky?

The ones like "Triste" get me though. I picture a guy in sad clown makeup. So tough, much wow.

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aka "Inmate"

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One of the FNU/LNU refuses to give a name, ever. What does the gov't do when it's time for a trial?

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haven't seen anyone named Rico Suave yet. How 'bout they give him that name. Or Muffy.

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Carlos Danger? Or Princess Consuela Bananahammock?

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An inmate number to his picture and fingerprints.

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It's happened before. I think it was a guy who stole someone's identity but never did give up his own real name or even country of origin, so he's still serving out his sentence as John Doe, insisting his real name is (Stolen Identity).

And it was like the 7th identity he'd stolen, too. Weird stuff but does nothing to keep 'em out of jail.

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FNUs are protected informants who are going to testify against the rest, but are arrested to give the impression that he's not the snitch. RICO cases are never made without informants or undercovers.

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Interesting that the US Attorney's Office can't spell 'Colombian'

but, who knows, maybe FNU LNU graduated cum laude from Columbia University.

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Major victory for 18th Street!

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About time. Eastie was doing so well for a few years, and it's been sad to see all of the gang violence escalating now. Not to mention harmful to the immigrants who really are good neighbors, but end up losing trust in a crime wave like this.

If nothing else, I hope the remaining scumbags learn to keep it out of the T stations and away from innocent bystanders. This sweep must have been planned for a long time but the shooting at Maverick just could not be ignored.

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Couldn't ignore the shooting at Maverick T Station and the continued shootings at Maverick Landing (housing) that didn't have any hits recently but who wants that happening multiple nights in a week in front of your house?

People had really had enough, and the police were still probably gathering evidence. Although they reportedly knew who was involved, clearly you want to round them all up with a load of evidence that is solid so they don't bounce right back out again. The list of folks apprehended included a shorter list of folks who were apparently associated but were only brought up on false documents or immigration charges. They'll get deported and probably be heading back up - hence getting a solid case and locking them up is the better deal. Hopefully the public agitation and pressure didn't rush the case too much.

These things tend to be a question of balancing the best case you can build (largest haul of assholes) with the increasing risk of someone getting shot in the crossfire or another 14 year old stabbed for not joining the gang. Trust that the authorities know what they're doing. They did a good job on this one.

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You have Boston globe columnist Chris Cullen writing about these gangs, comparing them to the mafia, the guy has his head so far up his ass..and he brings Chelsea, Eastie, Revere, Everett down in the dumps. I live in East Boston and I feel safe, no matter if there are gangs lurking in the street, he talks about the shooting on maverick t station platform depicting as if east Boston is a war zone and you should stay away from the area. Mr Cullen should well know that this particular gang is worldwide there in Ireland, Milan, Italy, Germany, Spain, and other parts of Europe.

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But which cartel is MS-13 allied with? MS-13 doesn't get to distribute on their own without answering to the Mexicans.
If it's Sinoloa, this could be a short-term pause in their heroin distribution network in the area, before they find another local affiliate to do their bidding. If it's another cartel, then the other cartels stand to benefit by the vacuum left, as do the other gangs in the area. While it will take these guys off the streets, I don't see it making a difference in the drug trafficking market here.

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Did anyone from Eastie witness these sweeps this morning?

Tell us what you saw.

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Nothing really around Jeffries Point. I'm used to seeing frequent cop cars on Sumner (it's a main drag and the station is pretty close by). I did notice more SUVs than regular squad cars, I guess? But if there was any drama, it played out elsewhere.

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MS 13 is one of the most violent gangs. In Fairfax, Virginia gang members have been convicted or machete attacks and killings. They are notorious for incredibly savage and brutal attacks me killings.

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MS-13 horribly discriminates in its recruitment and hiring practices! The list is all Hispanic men and no women. How much clearer could this case be?

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Maybe you should do the honors and head to Maverick to pass out pamphlets about this matter

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Are you insinuating that Dan Duquette was involved in recruitment, somehow?

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I don't see him listed at all.

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My first reaction was "Awesome! Take those bastards off the street!"

Then I remembered they've only been charged, not convicted, and I have to pretend to not assume they're guilty until the justice process has run its course.

It's hard to be a law&order liberal.

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I've updated the original post with a link to a Globe report that includes the fact authorities are charging some of the people arrested today with the three murders over the past four months in East Boston.

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So who else thinks this will just lead to more street violence as the power vacuum is fought over by whatever gangs were playing second fiddle to MS-13 until this morning?

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