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Man who seems to specialize in shooting from a scooter charged with Dorchester shooting - from a scooter

Kevin Woods, 19, of Dorchester, had his bail on gun-related charges for a South Boston incident in which he allegedly fired shots while riding a scooter revoked yesterday at his arraignment on charges he shot somebody in the head while a passenger on a scooter on Centre Street in Dorchester yesterday.

His alleged driver, a 17-year-old not named because of his age, had his bail set at $250,000 for his role in the shooting, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. Should Woods successfully appeal his bail revocation for the South Boston incident, he would still have to pay $250,000 in bail to win release prior to trial on the Dorchester charges.

According to the DA's office:

Assistant District Attorney Daniel Nucci told the court that Woods was a passenger on a white scooter driven by the juvenile along Centre Street in Dorchester at about 4:25 yesterday afternoon. Wearing a hooded sweatshirt, Woods allegedly fired a handgun, striking the 20-year-old victim in the left side of the head, causing serious injuries.

The juvenile allegedly rode away from the scene with Woods remaining as his passenger until the scooter collided with a car in the area of Gibson and Sturtevant streets. The two allegedly attempted to force the driver out of that car but gave up and fled on foot, with Woods limping away from the collision. Both were apprehended nearby with the assistance of civilian witnesses who offered descriptions and their paths of flight.

Investigators recovered a hooded sweatshirt a short distance away on Christopher Street. Bundled inside the sweatshirt were two Smith & Wesson revolvers.

In the South Boston incident:

Boston Police were performing surveillance in South Boston on Sept. 29 after a report of a man on a white scooter fleeing the area of gunshots on Mercer Street the previous night. They were also aware of a Sept. 18 incident in which a man meeting the same description and riding a white scooter was spotted near a different report of shots fired on Carmody Court.

At about 9:50 pm, officers observed two scooters, one yellow and one red and white, ignoring red lights on Morrissey Boulevard and notified additional units. The operator of the yellow scooter was detained; the other evaded police on the red and white scooter. About 45 minutes later, officers saw this scooter again on Mercer Street and attempted to stop it. The operator - later identified as Woods - led police on a pursuit that ended when he turned onto Hillsboro Street, a dead end, and dropped the scooter.

Woods allegedly ran from pursuing officers, throwing a .40 caliber Glock 22 handgun over a fence. The weapon had four live rounds in the magazine and one in the chamber. The scooter had been reported stolen earlier that same day. Woods was taken into custody after a violent struggle with officers. He was charged with failing to stop for police, resisting arrest, receiving a stolen motor vehicle, unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, and carrying a loaded firearm. Prosecutors recommended $50,000 cash bail and a judge set bail at $7,500.

Innocent, etc.

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Prosecutors recommended $50,000 cash bail and a judge set bail at $7,500.


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Adam - I love your funny headlines for the MBTA's limitless problems but this one seems off the mark. This complete lowlife is somehow out on BAIL from a 2017 case where he was arrested for.....

unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, failure to stop for police, resisting arrest, and receiving a stolen motor vehicle

and despite this list of violent crimes, he is free to cruise around the streets of our city at 4:25 (he must have had the day off) and shoot some poor guy in the head,...before fleeing (with an illegal firearm and illegal ammunition) and trying to carjack another motorist.

Nothing about this seems to warrant a clever headline - if anything, he "specializes" in being a complete waste of space, scumbag who doesn't deserve to live with civilized people.

If we are serious about "gun reform" in this country - let's start by harshly calling out the people who are actually committing the GUN CRIMES with ILLEGAL WEAPONS. Use this powerful platform to call him out, post his arraignment photos, etc.

How about this headline - "Repeat criminal lowlife terrorizes neighborhood and tries to murder Boston resident with an illegal gun,..while on bail for possession of an illegal gun - and the cycle repeats."

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It did strike me as odd that the guy is basically wanted for three incidents in which he fired a gun while riding or driving a scooter - it's just not something you tend to hear about.

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Seems like an appropriate headline to me. Either way he specializes in shooting other's who play with guns. Stay tuned for more violence to come.

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Once again “toughest laws in the nation!!!!” meet the reality of judges turning a blind eye to truly dangerous people.

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Come on, $7,500 for "failing to stop for police, resisting arrest, receiving a stolen motor vehicle, unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, and carrying a loaded firearm." That judge is an idiot.

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I keep hearing that we, "just need one more law" and what's the friggen point if all judges do is kid glove serial felons like this.

Time and time again we see one man crime waves conga lining themselves through the revolving door.

Where the heck is the sentencing and bail reform for this crap?!

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Again - our "toughest in the country" gun laws only matter to law abiding citizens.

While repeat criminals laugh. T

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Does anyone happen to know what the purpose of bail is?

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Read this.

A key point, Bail is not a form of punishment, but a way of helping to ensure that a defendant will appear in court at a later date.

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$50,000. would have been more appropriate. We have a lot of softie judges in MA.

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Basically, you want the judge to set an amount they can’t pay. It’s still the Usa, everyone gets a trial before they are sentenced. There responsibilities that go with living in a free country. That means free for all, not just rich people.

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I would say that $50,000 is very, very, very much out of line.

Once again, the goal is not to keep people who have not been convicted of a crime in jail before, you know, they are found guilty of a crime.

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And another key point is that by setting a very high bail (or not granting bail due to the violent nature of the crimes) this scumbag would not have been on the street to shoot someone in the face.

If a case involves resisting arrest, an illegal firearm, illegal ammo, and carjacking I am just fine with no bail to keep these people off our streets.


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The Southie charges were all for non-violent offenses, which I'll admit that possession of an illegal firearm is a stretch but there's a difference between possession and use. The current charges were definitely for violent acts, and at that he still was given bail, albeit high bail.

You can't set bail based on possible future bad acts.

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so he chucks a loaded illegal firearm, then (per the report) is "taken into custody after a VIOLENT STRUGGLE with officers. He was charged with failing to stop for police, resisting arrest, receiving a stolen motor vehicle, unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, and carrying a loaded firearm".

Which part of the violent struggle with police qualifies his case a non-violent? and makes a $7,500 bail seem appropriate?

So if I carry an illegal gun, steal a car, evade/flee arrest, resist arrest, and have a fight "AKA violent struggle" with the cops - that's not violent? Am I missing something?

my gawd - this system is a joke

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How are stealing a car (as opposed to carjacking) and being in possession of an illegal gun "violent" crimes? You do know what the definition of violent is, right? As for resisting arrest, that's just resistance. And I hate to tell you what the default bail is on having a fight on the street (I'll give you a hint- it rhymes with merciful brecognizance.)

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flip it on me? good lord

Again - the report states a "violent struggle" with police during arrest - not sure if you are trolling, or just not reading the report but generally the word violent represents violence - not much of a stretch there.

I understand how Personal Recognizance works - but you can't actually equate a "fight on the street" with an incident involving illegal possession of a firearm, auto theft, resisting, violent assault on an officer - right?

If you are cool with a thug like this being released on $7,500 bail (to re-offend) then I really hope you don't live in my neighborhood. Sounds to me like your outlook has you well-suited to be a judge in Boston District courts.

Good looking out for the criminals - while law-abiding citizens pay the price.

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Curious, if bail is set simply to get a defendant to show up, then why revoke the bail after a 2nd arrest? Just because they violated the law again doesn't mean they won't show up to court.

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Behaving is part of the conditions of bail.

Here's a tidbit from the Commonwealth's bail page-

Penalty for committing a crime while on release on bail or personal recognizance. If a defendant is charged with another crime while on release on bail or personal recognizance, the court may revoke (cancel) the terms of their release. The court may order the defendant be held without bail for up to 90 days.

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I get what you're trying to say, but as evidenced in the law cited above, bail is set up as a form of public safety (or punishment depending on your perception) in addition to getting defendants to show up in court. So setting a particularly low bail for those offenses seems counter to the public safety nature of the law.

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