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Boston police commissioner really is leaving for a job at BC


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You mean to tell me we can’t take Marty Walsh at his word? I’m stunned. Absolutely stunned.

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but really meant "would."

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"Just kidding."

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Walsh arranged for this announcement to be delayed back in June so that it wouldn't happen at the same time as Chang's departure. I guess he's too afraid that people would think negatively for losing his two top chiefs in the same week.

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BPD = Best in the nation
BPS = Well, will leave it at that

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What was that about BPS???

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Evans decided to leave, Chang was pushed out for reasons which still aren't very well explained.

Really the only thing that makes sense to me is that Marty really wanted this interim BPS super in place without any public notice or hearings so had to push Chang out very suddenly to take advantage of the timing.

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Is there a back story here or is he just tired of running a large urban police force with all the usual baggage that entails?

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Higher pay at BC for a lower-key job... and he gets to collect his pension.

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He put 4 years in at the position, maxing out his pension amount, and now he gets to pass the baton on to Goss, a good friend.

I would imagine that Walsh and Evans had good relations. Only a fool would force Evans out, and before the haters come out, Walsh might be a lot, but he's not that stupid. Evans saw a good opportunity and took it.

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Yes, there is a back story.
The other Marty J, a very ambitious Democrat, is getting ready to endorse Capuano, instead of Pressley.
But because that could look like "all white guys stick together," he and his crew came up with a plan to mitigate that: move Evans over to BC, in order to make room for Gross, who will be the first African-American police commissioner in Boston.
Watch for the stories this week: a deeply racist city, and a mayor committed to change.
It's the city's loss and Marty's gain.

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endorsed Capuano last April.

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This week he's going to "endorse" endorse him, which is bigger than the press conference he gave a few months ago in which he endorsed him.

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That doesn't sound paranoid at all.

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A better barber for the Commissioner in a new neighborhood !... for a sharper cutting edge haircut than

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You have done an amazing job. I am so sad to see you go. Your replacement has big shoes to fill! Thank you for giving 24/7 to your job.

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