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Man charged with July 4 quadruple shooting outside a Dorchester bounce house

Boston Police report arresting Jyarie Shoulders, 21, of Dorchester, for an argument-spawned spray of bullets on Fayston Street in Dorchester that sent four people to the hospital with gunshot wounds on July 4.

Police report gang-unit officers traveled to Worcester where, with the help of Worcester Police, they arrested Shoulders on multiple counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

Shoulders's arrest comes almost a year and a half after he was arrested in Codman Square on gun charges after police found a gun under a baby in a car seat in a car he was behind the wheel of, parked in front of a hydrant.

In a jury-waived case, a judge found him not guilty.

Innocent, etc.



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Yet another case of a scumbag shooting 4 people with an illegal firearm,.....after being in possession of an illegal firearm a year and a half ago.

The Police can only do so much - the courts in this state MUST enforce the laws we have and punish these violent criminals.

Hello - is this thing on?

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You may object to the judicial system not automatically agreeing with the police 100% of the time, but the fact is, we have a judicial system for a reason (my apologies for adding his acquittal after the fact of my posting the story; took awhile to get a reply from the DA's office).

As for the police enforcing the law, they are. How about you concentrate your efforts on convincing the states from which these guns are coming to crack down the way Massachusetts has? If the guns weren't so easy to get elsewhere, it wouldn't be so hard for our police to crack down on them.

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Are these local criminals buying deadly weapons from a gun shop in Kentucky or from a fellow local criminal out of the trunk of a car in Stoughton?

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First it came from a gun show in Kentucky then to the trunk in Stoughton..

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Adam, you of all people know that we have a MAJOR problem with gun criminals receiving light sentences, then reoffending. Judges go light, parole boards side with the criminals etc.

Shocking that this guy was even acquitted when HE was driving the car (unlicensed), with an illegal firearm (stashed under car seat), and drugs present.

So the logic is that if three scumbags are driving around in a car with an illegal gun, and drugs, they can all deny possession (even the driver) and that results in an acquittal? sad days.

also, I said clearly that it's not the Police but rather the courts and parole boards. And I have written letters to the NRA (as a member) and public officials stressing the need for uniform gun laws nationwide.

As a gun owner, hopefully, my word will resonate more than people who know zero about gun laws. I said it before, it will take people who actually support and participate in the gun industry to demand the change.

Bottom line, people will still get their hand on illegal guns, so we need to make the punishment so severe that idiots like this guy will think twice before tossing one under a kids car seat and cruising around the city. and if they still do, then they go away for a long time. Currently, they know being caught with illegal possession will bring only a slap on the wrist.

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We can't have the highest prison rate in the world (by far) AND be too light with sentencing.

Simple math.

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That's some nice white privilege you got there...let's just go ahead and ignore the devastation the American prison system has done to the black community.

But sure man...let's push to make it even worse.

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Nevermind the systemic incompetence, it's the fault of somebody, anybody, or everybody in a different jurisdiction.

Could be that, or it could be that Mass judges, or at least that one, are too soft. Maybe that's why he waived a jury when he drew that judge?

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Did you hear the same testimony and see the same evidence the judge did?

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What I was doing, however, was reading about all the other repeat offenders given short sentences or being let go on what I believe to be rather contrived restrictions on the rules of evidence that don't appear to exist in other states.

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It's pretty easy to buy guns up here in NH but we generally don't shoot each other with them

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If it's easy to buy guns in NH, then legally sold guns will eventually make it to the streets.

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It doesn't say he's been convicted of anything.

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As noted before, I give credit where it's due. Democrat House Speaker David Bartley and Judge J. John Fox passed the "Bartley-Fox" Law with a mandatory minimum one year sentence for CARRYING a firearm without a License to Carry Firearms (LTC). Under far-left DA's and Judges, these cases usually are reduced to POSSESSION of a firearm without a Firearms Identification Card (FID), no sentence, no Bartley-Fox.

"Possession" is a very different charge than "carrying" although it's a distinction without a difference. We've seen DA Dan Conley reduce two bank robberies to "pickpocket" to help an immigrant avoid deportation. The immigrant showed his gratitude by brutally murdering two Medical Doctors in South Boston. Disgusting.

I had five carrying a firearm without a license arrests (Bartley-Fox). The first four were reduced against my will. On the fifth the Judge (now dead) had a wife in politics. She was in trouble at the State House and the media. I told the ADA if she reduced the gun charges again, I would go right to Howie Carr. The Bartley-Fox sentence was issued. Career criminal came back to rob banks but at least we were safe for a year.

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Please don't go to Howie Carr. The 5 people that listen to him [including yourself and his producer in that count] will be really upset to hear about this.

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You must have been a cop in the 70’s and haven’t policed in a long time. There is a 18mo min man for firearm convictions. Bartley Fox has been essentially replaced.

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We are talking a guy who claims that he would strip search anyone whose social security number prefix didn't match their birth state, so ...

Let's just say that it is a good bet that he wasn't ever a cop at all!

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