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Warren, Walsh and Pressley to join Emerson students, others in Kavanaugh protest outside City Hall

A large part of City Hall Plaza tomorrow will be filled with millennials with disposable income gathering to hear Sen. Jeff Flake and Ohio Gov. John Kasich ponder the future of the Republican Party at a Forbes Magazine event. Emerson students organizing a protest over Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh hope to fill the rest with people trying to convince Flake to vote against him.

The protest starts at 10 a.m., outside the City Hall Plaza entrance to City Hall, 30 minutes before Flake and Kasich took at the event - open only to people willing to fork over $900 or more for a day pass. The Berkeley Beacon reports that among those now scheduled to speak at the protest are Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Mayor Marty Walsh and City Councilor and 7th District Representative-to-be Ayanna Pressley.

The talk was originally scheduled for the Emerson Colonial Theatre on Boylston Street, but Emerson booted it on Friday, citing "safety concerns," after saying it did not know the company that leases the theater had booked the talk until the local media started writing about it on Friday.

Forbes, which had already rented a large portion of City Hall Plaza for an "Under 30 Village" as part of its "30 Under 30" event, moved the talk to City Hall Plaza.



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"Sen. Elizabeth Warrent, Mayor Maty Walsh"

Adam letting the Boston pronunciations shine through today.

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In either case, fixed, thanks.

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before Flake and Kasich took at the event?

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to write out 'speak' given that leftists no longer pretend do believe in freedom of speech as a cultural value.

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The 30-under-30 event is literally people free speaking on government-owned land.

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That doesn't mean what you think it means.

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"millennials with disposable income" you mean Emerson students. lol. Nothing about Emerson says working class when its tuition, before dorm and food, is $45k/year.

FWIW I think there should be definitely a protest. But calling out one group for its wealth seems a little gratuitous.

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No problem with a protest, but I can't help but wonder if this will turn into intimidation. Flake has no duty to represent the people of Massachusetts as a senator from Arizona, so while he can keep an open mind and ear, he doesn't have to. Flake has done a great thing by forcing an FBI investigation into the allegations. An open person would then wait for the investigation to conclude and then make a best judgement, not outright vote against because there is an allegation. But I don't believe it'll be enough for these protesters. Pretty sad.

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When you're on a committee that decides whether something goes to the full senate for a vote, you're working for the whole country and not just your state. The vote should have ended at the committee level - he deserves to hear why.

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he is referring to the under 30s who paid 900 to go to a forbes event, not the protesters.

but, for what its worth, the people at that forbes event will almost certainly be there on a corporate card not on their own dime.

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Sorry if it was worded poorly, but I was referring to the people paying a lot of money to bask in the glory of Jeff Flake, etc., not to the protesters. In fact, Forbes did rent a large part of the plaza for their event.

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Let's show Flake a boston blizzard.

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Lots of white people all in one place?

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He's been one of Trump's biggest opponents from the Senate on the GOP side. He probably wishes he just went with the GOP flow and he wouldn't have had to give up his seat.

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I suppose he's Trump's opponent if you count voting with Trump only 83% of the time as "opposition." Makes him marginally less of a lickspittle than many, I guess.

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A large part of City Hall Plaza tomorrow will be filled with millennials with disposable income

I know people who will be there. They aren't "millennials with disposable income". One of them is a good friend, a rape survivor, who was also the victim of an attack a few months ago by three men who tried (and partially succeeded) in pulling off her dress. She will take time off work to do this.

You owe some people an apology, Adam. You owe it to them to not be so god damned fucking dismissive of their pain. You owe it to them to not be part of the fucking problem.

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He's talking about the young Republicans coming to the event, not the protesters. I agree that the phrasing is a little confusing, though.

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I'm fairly confident that Adam was referring to the Forbes "Under 30" event with $900 admission price.

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Pretty sure Adam is making fun of those conservative supporters that usually say things like what Adam wrote above. I've been reading this blog for about 3 years and it's pretty obvious Adam leans to the left. It definitely seemed out of place from what Adam usually believes so I'm sticking with the assumption he's just poking fun at the rights tendency to make fun of 'millennials'.

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So either way he is passing judgment? Who is Adam to judge?!

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Who but W.B. Mason, of course!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go twirl my mustache.

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The "millennials with disposable income" are the ones INSIDE the tent listening to the bloviating of the distinguished guests. Your friends and the people who are there to support them against those distinguished guests are also on the plaza, but outside the tent.

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Oh, so Forbes readers are "millennials" now? You learn something new every day!

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seems to be "anyone younger than me that I don't care for", why not???

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seems to be "anyone younger than me that I don't care for", why not??

You got me there.

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Adam is talking about the people who paid to attend the event: Forbes "Under 30" which would tend to imply millennial. Given that tickets are several hundred dollars for this shindig, there's a good probability the attendees have some disposable income.

I'm pretty sure he's not talking about the protesters, but it's not clear whether your friend is attending the protest or the Forbes event.

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Technically speaking, people under 30 who shell out $900 to attend a Forbes networking event with Republican luminaries are more likely to have disposable wealth than disposable income. But Adam gets pretty close. If you look at them, and think "disposable", you're probably in the clear.

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