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Transportation in Massachusetts about to get a daily news site

Streetsblog, which covers walking, biking and transit in several cities, is hiring a full-time editor to run a site focusing on Massachusetts. Among the requirements:

Research and write enterprise pieces about developments in transportation and planning policy happening around the metro Boston area and elsewhere in Massachusetts



Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!


someone call transit expert Ari to take the job!

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The pay is $80,000 to $100,000?!!

I can hide my distaste for urban cyclists for that kind of money.

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But who could meet such lofty qualifications!?

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Adamg who knows more about transportation than any one they could hire.

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Just got to get him on a bike. But we can arrange that!

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"The right candidate will have glasses, a receding hairline, short sleeve button downs, a nasally voice, and low muscle tone."

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Good luck with it!

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No, my testosterone levels are adequate but my personality and job interview skills are such that I would never get hired.

Adam, Universal Hub is 100 times better than this proposed site. You should crush them like a bug, maybe put up a sustainable biking sub-fora here (moderated by Swrrlygirl) and lap them on page views. After a few months, you can call them up and he like, "Haha, you suck but I'll buy you out for $500, chief."

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Honey, I sleep with a 60 year old cyclist. He doesn't lack any muscle tone or other turgidity whatsoever.

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Is he on TRT? Race? What is his internet handle?

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He's a cyclist.

That's what it takes. It is called exercise.

Want to use ED drugs at 40? Keep driving everywhere.

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But if you take a look at their existing sites, they do way more in-depth reporting on this one basic issue than I could ever do (I mean, I could, but I'd have to give up covering police stuff, turkeys, licensing-board and zoning hearings, turkeys, sunsets and, well, yes, turkeys.

I wonder how the Globe will react to this - they do have a full-time transportation reporter, but they've never really covered the day-in, day-out stuff on a daily basis (they still save that all up for a Sunday column).

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Longtime reader of Streetsblog. As you noted, they're not really competition to you. Sure, youll both report on a pedestrian or bicyclist fatality, but since that's their only focus, they will be able to follow up continuously.

The great news is that they will increase the overall coverage of transportation issues in Boston. Something, as you noted, old-school press does a bad job with. They've really raised their profile, and it's not uncommon to see them report a problem and then have it be fixed very quickly.

Heres an example in Oakland:

They did a long post on the maintenance problems of a bike path. Less than a week later, a crew was there doing repairs.


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I expect that this will produce improvements in coverage for both the Globe and UHub. The symbiotic relationship between Gothamist, StreetsBlogNYC, and the traditional New York newspapers is a model for how it can (and hopefully will!) work. Each publisher writes for a different audience, they are complementary rather than competitive.

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But I would still find a way to rub their noses in the superiority of Universal Hub. You ARE Boston's media presence. Everyone else is flame, IMHO.

Give me turkeys over the Herald which is like "Honk... Patriots.. honk honk Whitey.." The Globe is like "Honk arch diocese... uhhh.. honk... that's problematic."

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They better hire someone who isn't a stranger to taking the bus. Bus riders are a special breed (in addition to being largely minority) and get no attention, unlike our whiny over exposed cyclists.

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Whatta you mean whiny? Harrumph!

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I ride a bike AND I take the bus! (Are you OK? Maybe you should lie down.)

Politicians respond to organizing. Start getting hundreds of people to show up for meetings about improving bus service and things will happen. The problem is too many transit riders complain on forums but don't do the legwork to bug the shit out of elected officials until they do something.

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Lots of people who ride the bus a lot are too busy riding the bus between their second and third jobs to have the time to go to a protest meeting.

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