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Tomato Can Dan whines about women


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The rules of international sport must be beyond the comprehension of his delicate sensibilities!

In tournament soccer, women's and men's, the margin of victory statistics count massively when it comes to tiebreakers for seeding the next round. That means that running up the score has very important strategic advantages.

Must be too complicated for his frivolous mind and simplistic nature.

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It was how they celebrated that caused attention. They looked ridiculous. I can say that, I have met a few of the players. It’s great watching all of the feminist devour themselves in the hypocrisy of this situation.

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I've never met Putin or the Dalai Lama, can I have opinions on them?

I hesitate to ask a Red Piller like yourself, but what's the hypocrisy? Women playing a sport well are being criticized by thin skinned trolls, same as successful men's teams. Seems like equality to me. Doesn't mean Dan isn't a piece of garbage though.

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Good lesson that red line riders must also show muted celebrations anytime a train shows up...dont draw attention to yourselves helpless riders...

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I'm a feminist. I'm a sports fan.

I think the team was over the top. Sports have long held standards of (wait for it) sportsmanship on these things. The "man" component of the word is no more relevant to just males as is a man-to-man defense in basketball.

Want to celebrate a blowout because there's long-running bad blood? Have at it. Want to celebrate a blowout because the 12th goal was scored by an athlete who's never scored at this level -- has worked hard, done it right, and this is her moment? Go for it.

But celebrating every goal with abandon after a 5 goal lead? That's poor sportsmanship. And the fact that reporters who have made their living covering men's sports are commenting on it isn't misogynistic, sexist, anti-feminist, or whatevs. On the contrary. It's evidence that women's soccer is being treated as equals in the media and fandom of the sports world -- that they're being held to the very same standards men are held to.

You won't see a 13-0 blowout in men's soccer at this level very often. But you will see blowouts in baseball, football, basketball, and hockey. Watch the behavior once you've reached the no-coming-back threshold. The players cool it. The team cools it. They're still happy, still fist pump, still have a little spark in their steps. But they don't play the fool.

The women's national team played the fool last week. And the player who golf clapped yesterday once the US team scored -- she doubled down on the foolishness.

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I was going to post something along the same lines, but after reading yours, I said "nah".

It is all about sportsmanship. And that is all.

As a woman, I have to chuckle at these women who see this as a man giving the women in question a lecture or pointing his ever wagging finger at them. It has nothing to do with that. These feminist zealots are singularly programmed, it appears to me, to attack any man who "splains" and any man who criticizes women's behavior, even if it is warranted.

I would like to think that my sex would be a bit more tougher and thick skinned, but, alas, some are just enjoy playing the victim. Which, after awhile, gets so old.

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It is all about sportsmanship. And that is all.

And yet neither you nor anyone can point to exactly what made this performance, and no performances by male athletes, appropriate to call out.

As a woman, I have to chuckle at these women who see this as a man giving the women in question a lecture or pointing his ever wagging finger at them. It has nothing to do with that.


These feminist zealots are singularly programmed


I would like to think that my sex would be a bit more tougher and thick skinned, but, alas, some are just enjoy playing the victim.


I see that the men are giving you your little thumbs-up pats on the head, so I guess your work here is done.

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Do you even read, dude? At all?

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..Constantly overcompensating with psudeo-intellectual, milk toast.

No one likes “TCD” but your unique brand of myopic tripe gets pretty tiring as well. DAN IS A TROLL and the Glob died years ago.

-Dream Team similarities don’t truly exist here.

-Point taken re: points.

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...where's the bit where Swirly said anything about the Dream Team?

You called her out on it so I'm sure you can point to it.

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-Point taken re: points.

so you agree then?

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Men, Women. boorish behavior is boorish behavior. Whatever.

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...was the boorish part?

It must have been pretty subtle, because the team they were playing didn't see anything wrong with it. So maybe you could enlighten them too?

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Get ready for more crap

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might be to ask whether too many teams are being qualified for this tournament (and the men's, as well).

Earlier Globe article: Mismatch in US game wasn’t a great look for Women’s World Cup

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More teams, more $$$. At least, that's the thinking.

The men's tournament is expanding from 32 to 48 teams, which will result in absolute joke games as well.

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FIFA abandoned the 48-team field for 2022- logistics an issue in Qatar- perhaps the only good thing to result from Qatar's hosting so far


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With only three teams in each group, and therefore only three matches being played in the group, there will be a lot of "rock-paper-scissors" results, with each team recording one win and one loss. Then what?

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Women’s sports will never be as popular as men’s. No matter how many “We got next” commercials get run or how much our Corp/Gov/Media overlords sing the praises of women’s sports, they will never be more than a boutique interest. Men have no interest and only some women have interest.

Women’s Soccer is probably the one sport that watchability reaches close parity with the men, yet still, the disparity in popularity is huge. They tried running constant TV promos last time to no avail. People just got sick of Abby Wambach with her personality reminiscent of a self involved, upper middle class, neo-hipster you would run into on a ski slope.

As for Shaughnessy, Adam did God’s work when he called him out for the use of “tomato can.” Shaughnessy really thinks he has a winner with that lame term. Good grief. Thank you, Adam.

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Men have no interest and only some women have interest.
the disparity in popularity is huge
People just got sick of Abby Wambach

This is just so utterly redolent of Donald Trump's "People are saying" that it ain't even funny.

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You should not block me if Adam ever gives it to you (doubt it) because you could learn something from me, lbb.

Or you can spend your all of your internet posting moments basking in provocative content created by the likes of BostonDog, Bob Leponge, and AriO. Probably more your speed, haha.

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...because, honestly? You seem to be not quite right.

Hope you get help.

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Women’s sports will never be as popular as men’s.

I don't think this is at all true for tennis.

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I didn’t think of tennis. Women’s Tennis is certainly a sport where the watchability could be better than the men. Often, men serve so hard that there are fewer prolonged rallies (depending on who is playing).

People will mostly choose to watch men, given the option. It would almost be better if women had their own sports which complemented their strengths and that men didn’t much play. Tennis may not be the best example but there are probably others out there now that UHub Posters can mention.

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People will mostly choose to watch men, given the option.

You know, there's really a simpler explanation that doesn't rely on implied sexism to justify it. In the US, for the large majority of people, sports is entertainment, not participation - and people have a limited entertainment budget, in terms of time and money both. When you understand that, you also understand that it's a chicken-and-egg problem. What puts sports in front of the average person? Broadcast coverage! What gets broadcast coverage? The Big Four male professional sports and the Big Two male professional sports! That is the limit of what the average American has ever been exposed to in re: sports. Of course that's what they "want".

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But I disagree with your economic boosting aggregate demand theory when it comes to driving the popularity of Women’s Sports, although I will concede it plays a part.

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...but you have nothing empirical to support your view.

I'll be sure to give it the weight it deserves.

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I guess by Big Four you mean basketball, hockey, baseball, and football, but then what do you mean by Big Two?

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I think it means college basketball and football. Hardly any broadcasts of baseball or hockey below professional.

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is not overall popularity, but you taking an opportunity to bag on women's sports reveals a lot about how your mind works.

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Gymnastics, figure skating, volleyball.

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Another example of men telling women how to behave.

Get outta here with that nonsense.

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It's not about gender at all, the celebration issue would be the same if it were men...

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And it's wearing thin.
Do you know who didnt complain?, the women on the losing team. The few I saw interviewed said they would do the same thing if they were scoring, it's the World Cup and you score a goal...celebrate.
Has anyone ever seen the celebration when a team beats the USWNT? even in a friendly game which means nothing has the feel of a world cup win.
Leave them alone Dan, you hack.

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These women are smart enough to realize that this is their 15 minutes of fame. Since women's soccer itself is of little interest and there's no significant future, it's smart for them to add something catchy to extend that brief notoriety.

Whether kneeling during the National Anthem (how original), humiliating a hapless Asian team by running up the score then flamboyantly celebrating each goal into the teens, or bashing our President on foreign soil, ala the Dixie Chicks (how are they doing?) this team will be happy to play the villain if it means an added chance to catch on somewhere. Occasionally, one of them will marry a professional athlete and briefly get to stay in the limelight, like Mia Hamm's second marriage to Nomar Garciaparra, but for most of them, this is it.

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Mia Hamm is more famous than Nomar. Hate to break it to you. Nice sexist troll rant though...

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This might set a record for "angry bitterness bingo". Must be pretty frustrating to see all these women actually succeeding at their goals!

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what a boring, stale diatribe that was.

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i can honestly say i had no idea mia hamm was married - to nomar nonetheless!

thanks for that fun fact amid 500 otherwise useless words

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Her sister Nia is a reporter on NECN!

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Clearly you hate seeing people being happy and successful unless they're straight white townies like you. Hell, you must spend ALL your time being happy, because angry bitter parochial townies are never successful except in the narrowest, big(ger) fish smaller pond sense. Better get help with that; you've poisoned your own little fish pond and it's drying up fast.

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This is what this guy has done for decades. He takes unpopular stances guaranteed to get a reaction. He's been writing click-bait since before we knew what a click was. (I come not to praise Shank, but to bury him.) It is pretty funny that people get into such a twist when it involves the xx chromosome. Suddenly its all about the glass ceiling and Sepp Blatter. Ah, you kids go have your fun. High horses is the theme of the day.

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