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Somewhere in Brighton, a coward is cowering - or should be

Sign warning whoever keyed a car to watch his back; owner has video

Signs like this normally only come out a couple days after a blizzard, but David Harris spotted this angry warning to a Brighton car keyer in the middle of our first heat wave of the summer.



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Said department wields the Wrath of God.

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He probably meant the BPD's Brighton police station, which, yeah, is a thing.

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I called the Dorchester police dept. a week ago.

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Or doesn't realize that Brighton is part of Boston. Maybe its a trick to make the criminal let their guard down because they think the victim is clueless about what city they are in.

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most students have no idea whats boston and whats not:

By adamg on Mon, 05/06/2019 - 11:30am.
OK, in the greater scheme of things, this issues is hardly a major one, but, no, Roslindale is not a suburb, any more than Cambridge and Somerville are part of Boston, another thing Boston Magazine forever declares.


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I'd say that a lot of people in Boston have little idea that they live in a city larger than their neighborhood - and grump about it, regardless. See also "Southie is my Home Town".

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And I can assure you anyone from South Boston is well aware it's a neighborhood of the City of Boston. Anyone raised in Boston knows what neighborhoods are the city and when you're in another city.

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was inquiring about the South Boston Police Department.

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Reminds me of the time I was watching the local news, I forget what channel, but one of the blow-ins they hire to cover the news was outside the Moakley Courthouse and said "live from the city of South Boston". I'm not kidding.

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Who are you supposed to call, what with the Statie and BPD turf wars going on...

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They seceded. You didn't read about that in the papers?

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If Boston voted to leave the Commonwealth/Union, what would it be called?

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And it's coming. Just not what you think.

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The People of Brighton voted to Brixit. Then the Brighton House of Pancakes voted to delay to get a better deal. Then the Lord Vice Mayor of Brighton decided not to run, or do a 'hard Brixit' or something. Then the lands to the north, Allstonbury, did a thing, but no one knows what, because of their incomprehensible accent.

So, it's been delayed a bit.

Thank G-d this didn't happen in February.

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Yes. Boston Police District 14. Allston Brighton

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And they still use tape..?

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Yeah right, and I'm sure the Brighton Police Dept. is working double time to review the tapes for someone who probably had a reason to key your car. Across town where I live people see stray bullet holes in their cars and nothing ever comes up on the tapes. You have live in Beacon Hill or Upper Back Bay to get results.

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The author of that note has a good use of emphatic bold letters. Perhaps has a future in comic books.

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I was thinking the same thing, who is the coward in this article. Is it the note writer or the keyer?

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is more passive aggressive than the moron who keyed their car.

And was there any particular reason why the car was keyed or just random?

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If it's the *police* raining down the wrath of *God* on the miscreant, after all...

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A native would say 'loosah'. Just sayin'.

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This is what I feared Catholic confession would be like... those expressions of self love would've had me weeping with sorrow..

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sounds much more like something an evangelical dispensationalist Protestant would say. Catholic sermons are extremely tame by comparison.

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Your friends (if you have any (you do not)) know that.

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