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I hope this embarrassment
By anon
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 10:47am
I hope this embarrassment rots in a cell until he dies, and then rots in hell.
Fuck you, Pat.
- a Boston Cop
Who Is Picking These Guys? Where's The Morality?
By John Costello
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 11:31am
A former BPD police union head (with the vanity plate BPPA) defended his kid like a maniac when his kid was caught, convicted, and had the conviction upheld of plotting to shoot up a high school 16 years ago.
Electric Chair
By Pete Nice
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 10:48am
That is all.
Has anyone reached out to
By anon
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 10:52am
The MA Bail Fund for comment?
A reminder
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:06pm
Bail is set to ensure appearance for trial.
It is not a "pre punishment" for alleged crimes. It can be revoked if there are prior convictions indicating dangerousness or a clear indications that an accused person is making threats, but is not supposed to be used to punish people not yet convicted.
See also:
presumption of innocence
Fifth Amendment
Even though a lot of cops seem to think that they get to make their own laws, and this guy perpetuated the notion that cops can't be punished for anything, these are the laws that apply to them even when accused of heinous crimes.
I'm normally the one that writes the bail thing
By Waquiot
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:55pm
But something that Rachel Rollins came out with last week has got me rethinking this is cases like this. The accused should be subject to a dangerousness hearing that would mean no bail, but DAs are hesitant to do this because it would involve the victims being forced to testify.
The victims do not have to testify
By Pete Nice
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 3:03pm
they could have kept him if the DA asked.
You’re playing the same game,
By anon
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 7:53pm
You’re playing the same game, defying the spirit and intent of the law to punish someone pretrial. Just create a law to allow sex offenders to be confined pretrial.
hi anon-- usually bail funds
By J33
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:30pm
hi anon-- usually bail funds are intended to help address systemic inequality generated by the cash bail system, and racists who got wealthy off policing are probably not at the top of their priority list. hope this helps! :)
the whole point of the bail fund
By anonn
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:41pm
is that bail is inherently unjust and unfair. bailing this guy out would help them to make that point. there's no reason why a poor person should remain in jail for child rape when a rich person could buy their way out. either the person is so dangerous that they can't be released or they're not.
There is only one authority that can choose life or death
By Daan
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:27pm
That authority is not human.
I wish that authority...
By Irma la Douce
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 4:52pm
would do something to protect people from rapists.
Why set bail?
By Sock_Puppet
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 11:03am
To give him time to make sure his will is in order?
Identification of the victim publicly?
By Confused
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 11:07am
Why is the victim being publicly identified? Is she not still a minor? Am I missing something. That poor girl had to go through enough and now deal with it without having to have every random person know about the most horrible crime against her.
By StillFromDorchester
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 11:46am
What an (alleged) creep.
It makes your skin crawl thinking about it.
Trump will pardon him
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:09pm
Trump fully understands wanting to "date" your teen daughter and guys who like them "on the younger side".
Do you have a screw loose?
By StillFromDorchester
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:23pm
Something isn't right about you.
If someone posted about the weather, would you turn it political?
This guy was all politics
By Parkwayne
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:27pm
You think the former head of the BPD union wasn't a political figure? GTFO.
No one is going to Pardon this creep
By StillFromDorchester
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:32pm
Commenting on my saying it makes my skin crawl thinking about it with Trump comments is deranged.
Do you watch the news? Trump went out of his way
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:56pm
multiple times very recently to wish well to a woman accused of sex trafficking of children to one of Trump's old party buddies.
Sorry if you want to ignore it or pretend it isn't so, but your President pals around with child rapists.
More importantly
By BostonDog
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:50pm
Trump cares more about cops than the people they might abuse. In his eyes, a sworn officer can do no wrong. He thinks they decide the law and should have the freedom to use whatever force they feel is needed.
He believes in conspiracy theories so if someone floats the idea this guy is being framed, he'd believe the cop over the victim even if there is overwhelming proof.
Facts not in evidence
By perruptor
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 6:47pm
Trump cares about cops no more than he cares about anyone else. The one and only thing Trump cares about is Trump. Persons who are not useful to him at the moment have no value, and are disposable. He is not a normal human being, and it's a mistake to act like he thinks like one.
My President?
By StillFromDorchester
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:43pm
Does that mean you think I'm a supporter of his or I voted for him?
All the more reason I said Swirly has a screw loose, Trump has nothing to do with the topic, I'm not a Trump supporter and she interjected him into it, now all the parrots are nodding, Orange man bad.
Does that mean you think I'm
By Scratchie
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:56pm
I'm pretty sure you'd rather die than pull the lever for Joe Biden in November.
Look, if I were a Trump supporter in 2020, I'd
By MC Slim JB
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 3:34pm
also be doing everything possible to deny it in public out of sheer, staggering embarrassment. It would be like wearing a shirt everywhere that says, "I love cancer and I hope everyone gets it." It's a truly appalling thing to be nowadays. Of course you'd want to stay deep in the closet with that.
But if you hope to preserve that illusion, here's a hint: the only people trotting out that hilariously dopey "Orange Man Bad" line, as though any criticism of your President has to be rooted in irrational hatred instead of an OED's worth of patently obvious reasons, are Trumpies.
The more you know....
True or False
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:14pm
Having an authority figure you admire who also shares your predilections will make you more likely to rationalize and pursue them.
Rape is political.
By Doofus
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:58pm
Politics is about power, who has it, who gets, who wants it, what to do with it.
Rape is the abuse of power. Rape is contempt for the humanity of the victim. Rape is political.
There is some bad Trump Derangement Syndrome out there
By willisan
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:11pm
but you take the cake.
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:18pm
Anyone who votes for Trump at this point qualifies.
Look at his record on abuse of underage females and bragging about it, honey. There's even an entire and separate wikipedia entry on the subject:
“I’ll tell you the funniest
By Scratchie
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:50pm
“I’ll tell you the funniest is that I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed,” Trump said. “No men are anywhere, and I’m allowed to go in, because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it…. ‘Is everyone OK’? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody OK?’ And you see these incredible looking [teenagers], and so I sort of get away with things like that.”
Trump is a sick fuck and so
By Kinopio
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 3:04pm
Trump is a sick fuck and so is anyone who votes for him.
Ive been waiting to say this
By Mr. Whispers
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 11:56am
Where’s Blue Lives Matter now?
Prayers for the young lady potentially living a normal life one day. Sheesh.
Do you really think the blue
By Lmo
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 10:36pm
Do you really think the blue lives matter folk would support this POS?
Do you really think
By jmeltzer
Fri, 08/14/2020 - 12:41am
they won't?
By Lmo
Sat, 08/15/2020 - 1:47pm
By Fenway Crank
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:06pm
would he be out on bail if he weren't a cop?
Sam Harris Making Sense Podcast.
By MisterMagooForYoo
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:11pm
Episode 213 The Worst Epidemic is on this topic. Serious issue here that many in power or that have the ability to do something are turning a blind eye to.
Good guy!
By Scratchie
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:33pm
With a gun.
Can't wait...
By Kaz
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 12:59pm
I'm heating the oil now so I can have my popcorn ready for O-FISH-L to come in here and tell us all how this is all kah-MALA Harris' fault.
Or he'll throw Rose under a bus and claim "no true officer" fallacies about how the guy never shoulda been a cop in the first place.
Or he'll just avoid this completely so he doesn't have to acknowledge that this guy was the voice of the BPPA for like 3 years.
Can't Wait for the Pax Centurion News Dump On This
By John Costello
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:40pm
The story will be right under the police supply outlet shop in Laconia NH ad, as about as small as the porno theatre ads used to be in the Herald.
Patrick who?
By Sock_Puppet
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:41pm
Never met 'im
By J.R. Dobbs
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 4:38pm
curiously, we never hear from fish ever again.
Not throwing shade but...
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:12pm
It seems like street criminals routinely have their photos published on this website when they are charged. Yet this is at least the second article about this suspect (we can assume that the evidence is quite strong if they charged someone so well connected), yet no photo.
Adam, care to comment?
I love your website and do not think you have mal intent, merely looking for comment.
Good point
By adamg
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 5:20pm
The difference is that I'm not really writing this story - I'm just linking to what others have written, and they certainly have photos of the guy.
As basically a one-person operation, if I have to chose what to spend my time writing/researching, I'll often decide to go with the thing that maybe isn't as big a deal, but which I'm more likely to have or have first, so today, that would be licensing hearings vs. this guy's arraignment, since you know that pretty much every news outlet in town is going to be at the latter.
But in any case, I'm adding a photo.
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 6:23pm
We appreciate your efforts.
Another photo
By adamg
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 5:29pm
Nice pose
By Angry Dan
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 5:54pm
I guess that's an alternative way to "back the blue".
A what?
By JohnAKeith
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:52pm
Uh, I think you could have gone with "young" or "pre-teen" as a descriptive. Underage sounds like what my father did to my mother when they were in high school.
By JohnAKeith
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 1:54pm
Uh, without the rape part.
By Sock_Puppet
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:14pm
Sounds like a fifteen year old.
Perhaps it's more accurate to say "small child."
This isn't a "she told me she's eighteen" situation, or a "he said, she said" situation. ALLEGEDLY, this old bastard raped a small child. His granddaughter. Repeatedly.
This is a situation where if tomorrow's headline isn't "Former police-union president eats his gun" I'll be surprised.
Mr. Rose, go straight to hell, do not pass confession.
Why would he eat his gun?
By Hardy Har Har
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:36pm
He has a presidential pardon to look forward to - UHub told me so.
Beware the rush to judgment
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:17pm
I don't know Patrick Rose and if he is guilty, he should receive the maximum sentence.
As always, it's dangerous to rush to judgment, especially in cases involving a child accusing a known figure (relative, teacher, coach) years after the fact. In most stale cases, there is no physical evidence, video or paper trail. One's word vs the other. Recall the lessons of the infamous 1980s McMartin Preschool case that lasted seven years and cost $15 million. At that time, it was the longest and most expensive criminal case in the history of the United States legal system which ultimately resulted in no convictions. During the trial, children discussed traveling in a (non-existent) hot-air balloon, being flushed down the toilet and emerging "on the other side" and one child even picked actor Chuck Norris as his attacker even though Norris had absolutely no connection to any of it. Localy, we had the disastrous handling of the Fells Acres Day Care case and accusations against the Amirault family, so badly botched it probably cost Martha Coakley a US Senate seat.
Now more than ever, the media has shown their distaste for the police and enthusiasm for defunding them. True or not, this story fits conveniently into the "blue lives bad" narrative. As UHub always notes, innocent etc. (until proven guilty.)
Just Stop
By John Costello
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:36pm
The state would have never brought charges unless they had something.
Stop being such a sycophant.
PS - Blaming the media. Nice. Yup, the media went out of their way to cook up a story on a second grader getting molested by her Pop Pop. Seek help.
This post is Mike Nifong approved
By Hardy Har Har
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:40pm
Did those Duke lacrosse players get out of prison yet?
To Bad The Tokyo Games Were Postponned
By John Costello
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:46pm
You'd get a gold medal in Whataboutism even with the East German judge sneering at you.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Conservative Victim Mentality
By Scratchie
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 4:08pm
One false accusation from 13 years ago means that no rape victim should ever be believed again (not that they ever believe most rape victims anyway).
I'm picturing you, Costello and Mike Barnicle
By Hardy Har Har
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 5:13pm
exchanging high-fives as Willie Bennett is led away in handcuffs.
Good point
By Scratchie
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 5:40pm
This guy was probably arrested for the exact same reason as Bennett.
Wow dude
By eeka
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:36pm
If only you'd give that much benefit of the doubt to folks who aren't white men police officers.
He lied to his family about
By anon
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:41pm
He lied to his family about where he was, he was found in a hotel room in Needham, he made suicidal statements and his own son reported this to the BPD, initially sparking the investigation. All of this suggests these allegations are more than likely to have happened.
So yeah, fuck him. Yes, the timing of this sucks for police obviously, but fuck all that right now. This monster, a former police officer, raped his granddaughter. I hope he rots.
- a Boston Cop
If only
By Scratchie
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 2:58pm
If only that seven-year-old girl had spoken up sooner! Everyone would have believed her!
Take your Q-Anon Oath and Shove It
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 4:06pm
People like you are why raping of children and teens by authority figures seems to be one of those "benefits" of holding office.
BTW, your Qanon buddies are fucking up the actual response to child abuse with your bullshit - and making the situation far worse with your baseless conspiracy theories predicated on 5-dementia-nal chess:
Some day I'll make an atlas...
By lbb
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 4:27pm
...of all the appallingly stupid hills that you've chosen to die on. If this particular one isn't your personal Everest, I'd expect it's at least Kilimanjaro.
you have problems FISH-OIL
By jennifersostano2001
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 10:16pm
This is not a case of reminiscent of the satanic panic... this is a cop who may (yeah may lol) have been raping a child for years.... you read this right 'CHILD'
you'll do anything to protect your favourite colour won't you?
who are you anyway?
I don't imagine anyone
By anon
Fri, 08/14/2020 - 5:54pm
I don't imagine anyone defending someone who molested a 7 year old, including the Trumps, Epsteins, and Clintons of the world who think teenagers are fair game.
That said, I do hope they get this right, since it does hinge on the testimony of a small child. Also hope justice is swift, so 7 years later we're not still adjudicating this case like we are the marathon bomber trial.
Believe survivors. The
By Dada Simba
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 10:54pm
Believe survivors. The examples that you cite are exceptions, which are relatively rare. Believe survivors, even those of us who survive child assault or rape and who go public several years later.
It is interesting to imagine
By Refugee
Fri, 08/14/2020 - 5:03pm
It is interesting to imagine how different things would be if Martha Coakley had won that seat. Without Scott Brown, Elizabeth Warren wouldn't have gotten the seat. Romney might even have had better luck in 2012.
Underage relative=child
By Doofus
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 3:08pm
Former police-union president charged with raping child, a member of his family over five years.
By adamg
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 5:22pm
I've changed the headline
Has the union issued a
By anon
Thu, 08/13/2020 - 8:05pm
Has the union issued a statement yet?
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