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Nazis march into Seaport, finally manage to disrupt something

Our local brigade of basement-dwelling Nazis got out of their clown cars somewhere in the Seaport today and succeeded in shutting down a drag-queen story hour.

Patty Bourrée has been leading one of the story times for kids every other Sunday this summer in the Seaport's Paseo on Harbor Way, but canceled today's after she saw neck-gaitered Nazis outside, separated from the venue by a line of Boston cops:

I really hate that I cancelled a story hour today because two protest groups were present, but I can’t put myself (and the kids!) in a potentially violent situation especially when I don’t trust that the BPD will protect me in a worst case scenario.

She added, though:

I want it to be known though for the losers who I know creep on my social media that Drag Queen Story Hour Boston is actively planning to offer story times to the families that are asking for them in ways that will be safer for the performers and the kids

Waltham Night's Watch, which follows the brownpants, reports they took to Telegram to cackle about their success in actually getting to an event on time, unlike last month in Jamaica Plain, when they showed up just as a similar event was ending and then their obersturmbannführer got arrested.

Just last week, US Attorney Rachael Rollins announced a new hotline to report hate acts, at 1-83-END-H8-NOW (1-833-634-8669).

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If groups like Waltham Night's Watch have infiltrated their Telegram group, can they PLEASE give heads-up to us Boston residents (possibly through UHub?), as I bet hundreds--if not thousands--of us would show up to counter-protest these assholes. With enough people, we could finally scare these gaiter wearing glue sniffers out of our city for good, since we know they're not our neighbors. I bet Ken Casey would show up!

Update: Waltham Night Watch r/t a link to sign-up and supposedly get email notifications of when these assholes show up in Boston. Let's see how it works...

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It is a secret thing for most anti- fascist activists and hacktivists to infiltrate these groups on Gab or Telegram et al. I saw warnings and a posting of their call to "action" for this past weekend for both Boston and Providence on Twitter, basically giving us and cops a chance for a heads up. What cops do with these "warnings" is a mystery to me. I think you catch my drift.
Follow Waltham Night Watch on Twitter- you will be surprised how many warnings Bostonians have ignored about the planned standouts and marches by these incels Neo-Nazis.

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How many cops were already there as participants?

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Grow up.

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Rather than toss out random, unverified accusations? Seriously. Bad cops need to be rooted out, but your comment was so unhelpful as to be boarding on the paranoid.

The organizer mentions that there was a line of cops were there opposing the Nazi losers, so at least some of them were there, in uniform, to do their job and protect the public.

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Actually the organizer said she didn’t trust the cops there to protect her and the kids. And after another Nazi group marched through Boston and beat up a Black Bostonian with no protection from the police (or even arrests) I would feel the same if I was a target of their hate and the police’s seeming indifference.

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Now where could someone get a weird idea like cops feeling more sympathetic towards brownshirts than drag queens? Apart from some basic level of intelligence and life experience in this society?

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it says there was a line of cops separating the groups. It says nothing about them there to protect anyone. Cops protect cops. Period. Even the organizer said they do not trust Boston cops.
Do I believe there are nazi Boston cops? Yup.
Keep smiling, or heiling….whichever is your thing.

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Casey should go to one of these events where after the story he and the drag queen(s) can do a sing-a-long with the kids. That would really make these twits salty.

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Better yet. Why not stage a MASSIVE transgender rights/Drag Queen celebration in the hometown of their founder--he lives in Pepperell. Imagine the streets of that town flooded with a pride-level parade. Apply for a town permit get proper security from both cops and private security (agree cops are not trustworthy for this security based on footage we've seen of them in the past few weeks)

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Waltham Nightwatch (and similar groups) all have a Twitter presence and they rely on tips from people like us. So, give em a follow and blast it out to your friends if you want to stay up to date.

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Their telegram is public. They mostly post after one of their "events" has ended.

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I’ll bet they feel so manly after scaring off a bunch of children and their gentle librarian

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A govt hotline to report "hate acts" (aka speech the govt doesn't like). Chilling.

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Omg wow you really changed my mind, violent intimidation is a great thing and I can't wait to get murdered by Nazis now

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What's more chilling? Nazi's (including the nazi police and politicians) or a phone number where you can report hate crimes?

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Not Nazis in our midst? Interesting.

Hate speech is in fact a crime to be reported. Meanwhile, nobody is trying to censor the brownshirts. Maybe rethink your priorities.

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These nazi motherfxxxers have been involved with threats, physical intimidation and assault. Don't frame it as a free speech issue.

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A govt hotline to report "hate acts" (aka speech the govt doesn't like). Chilling.

May I suggest a warm winter coat if you actually find that "chilling"?

These are Nazis, and their intent is to disrupt the speech of others because of their fucked up conspiracy crazed homophobic moral panic bigotry. That's not "speech the govt doesn't like", that is a hate act, and it is not protected. Get yourself a nice warm blankie if you find that "chilling".

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A govt hotline to report "emergencies" (aka events the govt doesn't like). Chilling.

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You mean how the GOP in several states is banning books? How about how Florida is turning into a dictatorship but as long as it is sunny and the poor people work cheap the rich white people and pro Batista Cubans are happy to have rights that don’t apply to them slowly peeled away?

But please tell us how reporting a group of Nazis who threaten children being read to is some sort of thought police action.

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That was your takeaway from the article? Kinda telling on yourself here.

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Seems like these Nazi wanna bees have a free pass to operate there defeated cause. The real nazi’s surrendered back in 1945.

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You'd think, but the losing side in the War To Keep Slaves is still complaining more than 150 years later.

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Did you know that our humble webmaster Adam here is collaborating with the Feds to rat out anti-Nazis?

It’s true! Just ask professional slip and fall artist and man who has never had a job Rod Webber!

Rod tweeted this earlier about this post:

is encouraging collaboration with the Fed agencies working to get anti-nazis thrown in jail.”

That Gaffin! Always collaborating!

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I think he intended to communicate,

"Adam is encouraging collaboration against nazis with the Fed agencies that are in fact working to get anti-nazis thrown in jail".

Talk about a super hot take. I bet this extended version would have fit in a tweet, too. If he had posted something more like it we might just be swapping Rage Against the Machine lyrics instead of making fun of him. It seems that was not meant to be. Normally I like to talk shit about nazis, but today I'm going to take a break to talk shit about poor literacy in this country. Come to think of it, an education system capable of imparting such clear writing would probably graduate fewer nazis. With fewer nazis, more drag queen story hours might spark in more children a love of reading, in turn promoting literacy, in turn producing a better-rounded society with still fewer nazis. God damn, we have come full circle.

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Webber’s tone was one of Gaffin is encouraging people to rat to the Feds. The same Feds that have apparently been hounding him lately for blowing off automatic weapons and other erratic behaviors.

The man is a consummate moron.

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Kudos for going the extra mile to grind your ax.

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The GOP doesn't believe a word of their "grooming" propaganda. They're just intentionally stirring up hate among the rubes to destabilize our democracy and solidify their hold on our country.

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Every single straight person in this country should google a few terms -- "moral panic", "anita bryant", a few others -- and learn some things. This is as old as the hills.

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it would be the Jews.

"But those are the same people!", the haters say.

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Teenage immigrant welfare mothers on drugs.

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What about the rights of Patty Bourrée?

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Okay, basement apartments can be pretty nice and cool in The summer.

Why is everybody so mean to clowns AND their vehicles, Adam?
A "normal" SUV has more Nazi passenger room, but a Tardis-like clown car is more efficient.

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brownpants; Hilarious.

You know why they wear brown pants right? It's so that when the counter protestors show up them shi**ing their pants isn't so obvious.

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