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Blue Line

By adamg - 6/16/11 - 4:37 pm

The T says it's beefing up service on Saturday for the Bruins victory parade, which kicks off at 11 a.m. at the Garden.

All four subway lines will run at "near rush hour" schedules during the day. The T says it will also have extra orange-vested workers stationed throughout the system to help riders unfamiliar with how to use CharlieCards or get to the parade route.

The T said commuter rail will run on its normal Saturday schedule, but that it hopes to announce some additional service tomorrow.

By adamg - 6/16/11 - 4:01 pm

Last week, Boston hosted the American Public Transportation Association's annual rail conference. A highlight of the conference is always the rail rodeo, in which teams from subway systems across the continent compete in both train maintenance and operation.

By adamg - 6/9/11 - 7:17 am

At 6:58 a.m., Rodney Brown tweeted:

Might be late this a.m. Sparks showering down from overhead catenary wires where they meet the front of the Blue Line car I'm in.

At 7:11 a.m., Jennifer Montfort tweeted:

Delays on the Blue line inbound, fire problem at Wood Island. At Orient Heights waiting for the bus.

By adamg - 5/13/11 - 9:11 am

WHOMP! Inspector tackles suspect, around 1:02 on this MBTA surveillance video.

Snellman and GrisoliaSnellman and GrisoliaAn MBTA inspector who saw a Watertown man mug a woman about to get on the train at Maverick last night didn't let the guy leave the station, MBTA Transit Police say.

According to a police report, Inspector Ira Lawrence was in the customer-service booth at the Blue Line station around 11:20 p.m. when he noticed Sean Snellman hand a guitar and bag to Brittney Grisolia, then run toward a woman and grab one of the two purses she was carrying:

By adamg - 4/21/11 - 8:47 am

Around 7:30 a.m., on the tracks, natch, Channel 5 tweets.

By adamg - 4/11/11 - 7:04 pm

Electrical fire on the tracks; power being shut down.

By adamg - 4/7/11 - 7:39 am

The Herald reports MBTA officials figure a full shutdown would let them rehab the station in less time and wouldn't drag on forever and ever like certain other T-stop projects one could think of.

By adamg - 3/10/11 - 1:45 pm

Might be armed with a knife; climbed up an emergency exit at 136 State St., AlertNewEngland reports. Police are looking for a black man in his 30s, bald, in a gray hoodie and a Red Sox hat. Blue Line service resumed around 1:50.

By adamg - 3/8/11 - 8:12 pm

Presidential limoPresident enters the Fenway. Photo by Jeff Tamagini.

The Red, Green and Blue lines all experienced delays this evening as the presidential motorcade passed over or under them.

The placid Orange Line remained stolidly unaffected by Motorcade One, but Nay and Steven Leibowitz report the T held an inbound train at Back Bay when a panicked Little Monster reported a lost ticket to the Egg Lady's concert at the Garden. A passenger found the ticket, the kid was reunited with it and the train resumed service.

Photo copyright Jeff Tamagini. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 3/7/11 - 4:29 pm

Boston firefighters are at Government Center dealing with a trash fire on the Blue Line tracks. Expect delays, traffic problems by the station.

At least one train is stuck in a tunnel because of the power shutdown required to let firefighters on the tracks.

By adamg - 3/6/11 - 11:56 am


MassDOT is posting photos from today's emergency drill by local and regional emergency departments at the Bowdowin Blue Line stop, including this one of a robot (which got down the stairs by itself) guarding a pair of dummies.

By adamg - 3/5/11 - 7:05 pm

Boston Police tweet:

On Sunday at 8:00AM there will be a FULL SCALE EMERGENCY TRAINING EXERCISE at the Bowdoin St MBTA Station. IT IS ONLY A DRILL!

By adamg - 2/23/11 - 8:37 am

The Globe reports the T plans to introduce countdown clocks to Red, Orange and Blue Line stations, but will pay for it in part by eliminating the refunds it now offers to people whose trains are way late. Also look for lots more advertising - right down to the CharlieCard - as the T tries to cut a $130 million or so deficit.

By adamg - 2/1/11 - 6:54 am

By 6 a.m., the T was already reporting two dead trains on either end of the Red Line. Now, an hour later, there are two dead trolleys on the Green Line and dead trains on the Blue and Orange lines. And the snow hasn't even started.

By adamg - 1/24/11 - 7:33 am

Dead Green Line trainDead Green Line train at Newton Highlands. Photo by Jenny Mackintosh.

Update, 8:10 a.m.: There's a dead train at Wollaston on the Red Line now.

Dead trains mean lengthy delays on the Green, Blue and Orange lines this morning; well, except the T is urging Orange Line riders to just forget it exists and seek alternate routes. Delays on the Silver Line to Design Center, too, due to a dead bus. Jennifer Musso tweeted from Oak Grove on the Orange Line:

Hundreds of people waiting for shuttle buses at OkGrv sub0 weather! Station worker says he's not answering "any more questions"

Commuter rail? How 'bout those 30-40 minute delays on the Worcester line? Erin Bowles checked in:

At Framingham, there was a woman on platform nearly in tears. Hoping she'll be OK, but there's no way she doesn't have frostbite.

Not that North Station lines were immune from problems. Matt Hrono tweeted:

T alerts failed. Haverhill 208 cancelled, people waiting in record cold for 45 mins, no alert. What gives? Safety issue much?

By adamg - 1/14/11 - 5:54 pm

Where to begin? Oh, yeah, with the fire at Chinatown on the Orange Line that stopped service. Then there's the downed wire at Wood Island, leading to premature termination of the Blue Line at Maverick. The Red Line had a recalcitrant switch at Alewife. And the Green Line has turned into the Snail Line.

On a positive note, no delays reported on the Mattapan Line.

By adamg - 1/13/11 - 9:32 am

Delays on the Blue Line

Around 9 a.m, Matt Karolian reported:

Blue Line all screwed up, multiple disabled trains, all passengers deboard at Airport.

By adamg - 10/6/10 - 7:27 am

Always ready to assume the worst, Herald readers are busy contemplating the downside of the glass entrances the T wants to build as part of a Government Center upgrade, because, as writer Richard Weir helpfully explains, they could "explode into flying shards of lethal shrapnel should a bomb ever be detonated there." Except the T says they couldn't because they'll use safety glass (and good luck getting that song out of your head; you're

By adamg - 9/21/10 - 4:30 pm

One passenger on the Blue Line in Orient Heights seemed a bit squirrelly this afternoon. In fact, the Animal Rescue League of Boston had to be called in.

ARL volunteer Margaret Wirth reports T workers found a baby squirrel running around a Blue Line car around noon. Boston Animal Control worked with the league to corral the critter, whom they promptly named Charlie, of course.

Wirth says Charlie is headed to a wildlife rehabilitation center in Weymouth, where he will be prepared for a life in the wild. She adds that kindhearted T inspectors did not charge him with fare evasion.

By adamg - 9/16/10 - 9:04 am

Nancy Geshke, whose 8-year-old daughter wound up in Mass. General when one of her feet got caught and crushed in an escalator this past July, yesterday sued Crocs for $11 million, alleging the company keeps selling its plastic shoes despite mounting evidence they are a menace on escalators.

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