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Chestnut Hill Mall stuffed with Rachel Ray fans

Jo reports people stood in line for two+ hours today to get the Joker's signature at the Chestnut Hill Mall. Don't worry, she wasn't one of them - she was at the mall to buy a knife:

... Can anyone tell me who would wait in line OVER TWO HOURS to have Rachel Ray sign a cookbook for them???

Please people...tell me why. ...

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Anyone who whines about Rachael Ray should be sentenced to a year existing on cheeze whiz and spam, with deep fried Twinkies for dessert.

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So long as I never have to hear her say "Yummo" ever again.

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Oh come on you gotta love how she says EVOO , gag!

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I know she can be too much, but I have learned how to cook great food from watching her show. After working all day, it's nice to have something that doesn't come in a box for dinner.

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Can I just tell you that I had a post titled "I Hate Rachel Ray" about a year ago and I STILL get a ton of Google hits from people searching on that phrase! It has made my top-10 search string each week since then... giving me about 10-15 hits each week from other people who must hate her as well.

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So that explains why she's making millions of dollars. And you're getting 10-15 hits on a blog.

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Ouch, thats 10-15 hits more then what you must have...

There is no single anti Rachael Ray, just millions of people like the previous blogger who despise the woman. Sure she makes millions, but on the other side of the wall an anti-Ray culture persists.

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Oh, yeah, I know who she is now ... but I didn't until about a year or two ago. Somehow, I missed the hype while in dissertation hell or something. Easy to miss her if you never watch TV.

All the same, why not be home cooking if you have six hours to spare on a weekend, or finding the best EVOO in your area.

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Who's this botoxed, collagen-injected bint who's claiming that she's Rachael Ray? Am I the only one who remembers that back in her early days, she was really cute? What happened there?

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Her transformation begins at about 5:30 on this archival tape.

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boiling hot guacamole, will get you everytime...

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What kind of barbarian heats up guacamole? It will turn brown and slimy very quickly if you do that.

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Sounds like a Rachal Ray recipe to me ;)

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