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Didn't I just read that?

Boston Globe today: Bellhorn connects with quiet approach.

Boston Herald today: Mark of a winner - Quiet Bellhorn lets others talk the talk.

Soxaholix notes this sort of Sox double-teaming has been going on for a few days now and wonders:

... You think the reporters call each other after suppah each night like a bunch of 14 year old girls to coordinate their outfits for the next day, too? [In falsetto] "I'm going to wear my Ugg boots with my Hollister skort tomorrow." … "Oh, me too! Me, too!" ...



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I think the players/teams schedule time with reporters. Clement, I think, mentioned how he moved his back a day to accomodate someone more popular.

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Dan Kennedy caught the Globe and Herald the other day running stories that conflicted entirely on whether President's Day snow hurt car sales. One said it did, the other said it didn't, and Ernie Boch was quoted in both.

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