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Obnoxious, drunken Bruins fans

Megan describes sitting in front of a bunch of beer-spilling thugs at last night's Bruins game:

... The first thing I heard was "hey, after we get kicked out let's go to [the name of some bar I can't recall]..." followed by streams of curse words and more yells. We put up with this through the first period and then they left, only to come back as the second period was beginning, all double-fisted with beer.

The obnoxiousness continued to no response from us until Boston got the first goal and the crowd went wild - as did the group behind us. So wild, in fact, that one of the guys behind us spilled beer on me. Of course i was miffed and turned around and gave the guy a piece of my mind. He was a jerk of course, and offered to wipe it off for me. ...

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Thank you, TD BankNorth. Maybe the Celtics and Bruins will start winning championships again.

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