The Boston Licensing Board today approved a proposal by former City Councilor Tito Jackson for a liquor license for a 62-seat bar and lounge on the sixth and seventh floors of 150 State St., where he is also working to bring a cannabis concern on the lower floors. Read more.
The Boston Licensing Board could decide tomorrow whether to let former City Councilor turned potrepreneur Tito Jackson put a 62-seat bar and lounge atop his proposed cannabis concern at 150 State St. downtown, near Faneuil Hall. Read more.
The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved plans by former City Councilor Tito Jackson to open a three-story cannabis shop at 150 State St., across from the Custom House. Read more.
Even as US Rep. Ayanna Pressley was reporting negative results on a Covid-19 test, former Roxbury councilor Tito Jackson was reporting he tested positive. And he has some advice: Read more.
MassInc used the Tuesday numbers to create a map of the results by precinct. The map shows the percentage by which each candidate won which precincts; hover over specific precincts to get the actual vote numbers (and turnout).
Both Marty Walsh and Tito Jackson showed up to campaign at the Roche Bros. entrance this afternoon. Read more.
The Globe reports on the "vote farming" among elderly people in Chinatown, says city elections officials just want to fix the problem without blaming anybody.
Over in East Boston, District 1 council candidate Stephen Passacantilli is appealing for votes by telling residents they live in a hellhole: Read more.
Word in from the Walsh campaign: Hizzona has not endorsed Stephen Passacantilli in the District 1 (East Boston, Charlestown, North End) council race, no matter how many cards saying he has are floating around East Boston. The Walsh campaign forwarded this interchange at WGBH from last night: Read more.
In their second, and final, debate, Mayor Marty Walsh and Councilor Tito Jackson highlighted their differences in a debate moderated by WGBH's Margery Eagan and Jim Braude: Read more.
In a city that thinks of itself sometimes as the Athens of America, surely we can have a real debate, where two candidates for a particular office can actually talk out issues.
That wasn't what we got tonight. The format of the "debate" between Marty Walsh and Tito Jackson at Hibernian Hall in Roxbury left no room for the candidates to really get into things. Only for one brief moment did they break out of the confines of the forum-style session, when they exchanged a couple of angry barbs over last year's Black Lives Matter at Boston Latin imbroglio. Read more.
CORRECTION: The candidates will have two debates after all - they agreed to a second one on Oct. 11.
After both sides agreed not to scab out at a WBZ debate, we're left with just a single mayoral debate, at WGBH's studios on the 10th (and now a second one the next night at Hibernian Hall in Roxbury). Tito asked Marty for at least four total debates. One of Marty's minions replied, basically: Yeah, right.
Speaking of Walsh opponents, John Connolly popped up this week ... Read more.
Both Marty Walsh and Tito Jackson pulled out of a debate planned for Channel 4 tonight because of a contract tiff between the station and union members over pay for longtime workers, the Globe reports. The union, an IBEW local, had planned a picket line.
At a forum tonight, Mayor Marty Walsh said he would spend the next four years building on what he said were the successes of his first term, while challenger and City Councilor Tito Jackson said he would take more aggressive steps to make Boston a better place. Read more.
The Walsh campaign says Hizzona has agreed to debate challenger Tito Jackson twice - once with Dan Rea on WBZ on Oct. 10 and once with Braude and Eagan on WGBH on Oct. 24. No times announced; Jackson says he's looking at other debate invitations.
The Massachusetts Vision Zero Coalition posts their answers to a questionnaire side by side.
UPDATED at 10:05 p.m.
Mayor Marty Walsh will face off against City Councilor Tito Jackson in the November elections, according to preliminary results from the city elections department. Jackson will his work cut out for him: Walsh is leading by a better than 2-1 margin. Read more.
Kerry O'Brien shows us that the owners of a prominent totem on Robert Street in Roslindale are backing Walsh on Tuesday, while Amanda B says she'll take an actual pupper for Jackson any day.
Barring some amazing thing in Tuesday's preliminary, the two will go on to battle for the mayor's seat in the November final elections.
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