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The Turkey Liberation Front pecks out replies to turkey posts on Universal Hub.


WKRP 'fake news' for entertainment purposes seems to have spread this misconception.

In reality our mastery of flight and the majestic terror it inspires in the hearts of our foes is unquestionable.



And most importantly, where are bakeries sending all their day-old bread?

You ask too many questions.


Of course we are real! How can one deny the presence of our brave harbingers of liberty when paired before you with your own two eyes?

Attempting to capture us in anything other than high definition digital glory is not recommended.

The dawn of a new year and new era is on the horizon! *GOBBBBLEEE*


Turkeys do not 'grouse'. Humans chose to dubiously associate the descriptive language of traditional dances of avian kind with Grouses due to the lack of meaningful resistance from that vain silly lot of prairie dwellers. The jealousy and fear of acknowledging the cultural superiority of turkey kind even in the most basic adoptions of figures of speech is duly noted!

The many species of our lesser brethren whose namesake is aforementioned, imitate, but have yet to master the pageantry of a proper pomp and pride filled strut and deft display of fine feathered fury perfected by turkeys.


We shall smash the ivory tower and erect a new glorious foundation of individual rights in education with the rubble! The Ivy League will decisively defeated by the combined might of the rafters of Greater Brookline! Like a phoenix arising from the ashes a new era of enlightenment shall dawn from the tips of our wings of liberty!


When darkness falls, and the tryptophan of our fallen brethren has defeated our foes' will to fight from within, Operation Nightwing will commence!

Toward liberty and ultimate victory we strut!



The stenographic records of our greatest victories will be fully accessible and available for future generations to appreciate.


A bird in the hand will result in a retaliatory strike from the dozen hidden in the bush!

To insinuate we know fear as fear incarnate is utter Gobbledegook!


Imitation is the greatest form of flattery as long as it arises, as we often do with our mighty wings into battle like valkyries of Valhalla, above the level of mockery.

It pains us that despite claims of controversal domestic politicians "Making Greater Brookline Great Again", the silly Canada geese to the north have received greater academic accommodations than our valiant freedom fighters.



We are gathering our forces for a last final strut upon the enemy before election day. From the summit of Brookline's hills we can see on the opposites ridge a full mile across the river the dark blotches of the colonials drawn up in lines outside polling places; the blocks of MBTA buses further to our right, and lower down more taxis, detached, driving hither and thither as if uncertain just where to go.....


We will arise and go now, and go to Brookline,
And a small nest build there, of feathers and wattles made;
Nine cranberry bogs will I have there, a hive for the honey bee,
And live alone in the bee loud glade.

And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow,
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the Toms gobble;
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow,
And evening full of hens' wings.

I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear pond water lapping with low sounds by the shore;
While I trot on the roadway, or on the pavements grey,
I hear it in the deep heart's core.


Quislings like you condoning oppression are why we will never surrender to our would-be conquerors.


Even our old hens have ample bosoms, enjoy good stuffing, and love the cock since we make our hot gravy fresh daily.



He cowered behind security glass while we privateered the contents of the armored car out back.


This statement is entirely factual and in no way coerced through means banned by the Geneva Conventions*

*which we voluntarily follow as nonsignatories to be moral while preserving legal sovereignty.


Silly human poseurs appropriating our native display and dance

*hrmph* you'd think they try at least to get the trot right!


Free as a bird
It's the next best thing to be
Free as a bird

Home, home and dry
Like a homing bird I'll fly
As a bird on wings

Whatever happened to
The life that we once knew?
Can we really live without each other?

Where did we lose the touch
That seemed to mean so much?
It always made me feel so...

Free as a bird
Like the next best thing to be
Free as a bird

Home, home and dry
Like a homing bird I'll fly
As a bird on wings

Whatever happened to
The life that we once knew?
Always made me feel so free


Free as a bird
It's the next best thing to be
Free as a bird
Free as a bird
Free as a bird




Crossing the expressway in the giddy
interval between fatal missteps
I trot out over the southbound abyss, bent
under my twenty pounds, hurdling each
yard of air like a fathom of water, steal the two lanes
just like second base and traverse the median,
then the northbound lanes, stealing home,
instinctively trailing my tail now but
intent on anything but the radiator grilles
glittering around me, startled faces whistling past
at fifty


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