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The T

By adamg - 1/12/12 - 7:17 am

Channel 25 reports MBTA officials are investigating a photo by a channel viewer that appears to show a T worker asleep at Wollaston during rush hour yesterday.

By adamg - 1/9/12 - 5:57 pm

Wicked Local Arlington reports.

By adamg - 1/9/12 - 12:54 pm

The morning after No Pants Day, Gretchen Bostrom tweets (don't read if eating):

Just witnessed a guy blow snot into his hand & wipe it on a bench at Charles MGH station, Alewife side. Seriously? No wonder we get sick!

Now I will NEVER sit on a public bench if I can help it!

I think I'm going to be that crazy lady who buys small tissue packets at CVS and hands them out to people I see sniffling.

Meanwhile, over on the Orange Line, Cara reports this morning:

By adamg - 1/9/12 - 8:30 am

BosGuy photographed, videoed the annual No Pants T ride, has exclusive photo of a planker sans pants on the Red Line.

By adamg - 1/7/12 - 11:37 am

The annual No Pants subway ride kicks off at 2 p.m. at South Station tomorrow. And remember, no thongs:

This is NOT illegal. Regular underwear does not constitute indecent exposure.

By adamg - 1/6/12 - 9:58 am

BostInnovation interviews Shawn Dufour, who's taken lots of photos of abandoned (and some active) tunnels and station areas in Boston.

By adamg - 1/4/12 - 8:28 pm

Students Against T Cuts is just what it sounds like: Area college students working to fight proposed cuts at the T. Repeal forward funding, they argue.

By adamg - 1/4/12 - 8:45 am

So far this cold January morning, trains have died on the Red, Blue and Green lines and the Worcester Line is experiencing major delays.

At 8:34 a.m., Tanya K. tweeted:

Two empty, broken down trains we will be pushing in. 1000+ frozen, frustrated people cramming into this one. MBTA Red Line. Good times.

A few minutes later, Candice Springer added:

By adamg - 1/4/12 - 8:34 am

The Outraged Liberal notes the MBTA has announced its Doomsday Machine (again). Will the legislature blink?

Davey says that bailout is unlikely in the state's current climate, which can mean only one thing: change the climate with a proposal that is so awful lawmakers will have to cave.

By adamg - 1/3/12 - 9:43 am

No, don't worry, the T probably isn't planning on raising fares that much. But, as the Patriot Ledger reports, thieves are now trolling the parking lots at commuter-rail and Red Line stops and stealing catalytic converters off cars - a seasoned thief can saw one off in less than 30 seconds. They get $200 for their "scrap" converters, you get a $1,000 bill for a new one.

By adamg - 1/1/12 - 6:43 pm

Harp player at Downtown Crossing

By adamg - 1/1/12 - 3:40 pm

And this guy, spotted by a T worker at Back Bay station today, has probably just exceeded it:

Bicyclist at Back Bay

By adamg - 12/30/11 - 11:23 am

The MBTA reports systemwide ridership in November increased by 5.5% over last year - and marked the third straight month of ridership above 1.3 million trips on a weekday.

By adamg - 12/27/11 - 9:29 am

Updated late Monday.

MBTA spokesman Joe Pesaturo issued the following statement Tuesday afternoon:

The employee today was reprimanded and the incident is now included in his personnel file. No further action will be taken unless such an incident happens again. This matter is closed.

Channel 25 reports the case of the reprogrammed message board on Christmas went straight to the top - and state transportation czar Rich Davey says the unidentified worker will not be punished.

By adamg - 12/25/11 - 8:03 pm

When it doesn't think anybody's around, the automaton that runs the MBTA PA system can be quite jolly.

By adamg - 12/23/11 - 10:50 pm

Around 9:40 p.m. Suspects are two Hispanic males, one 18 or 19, 5'8" and wearing a black and gray North Face jacket, the other about 5'6" and dressed in a black top and pants.

By adamg - 12/23/11 - 9:02 am

So far this morning, a charred 39 bus was towed from Huntington Avenue near Brigham Circle and buses had to be rolled out for the C line when an overhead power line came down near Cleveland Circle.

By adamg - 12/22/11 - 6:24 pm

Trains in both directions came to a halt this evening as police ordered power to the third rails shut off while they got the guy off the tracks.

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