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By adamg - 7/12/12 - 6:30 pm

Northbound Orange Line riders reported more delays during this afternoon's rush.

By adamg - 7/9/12 - 10:02 am

Dudley bus crash. Photo by Eric Esteves.Dudley bus crash. Photo by Eric Esteves.

Matt Grabowski tweets it happened at Dudley and Warren around 9:30 a.m. and that at least 12 people were injured. The Boston Fire Department reports several people were taken to local hospitals, with all expected to survive. The bus plowed into a trailer set up for the production crew of a Sandra Bullock movie being filmed in Dudley Square.

More photos: The injured | The bus | The injured and the bus

Filmogaphy: Bullock, of course, previously starred in a movie about an exploding bus, as Jendepo182 notes.

By adamg - 7/5/12 - 3:24 pm

A man arrested at a Shattuck Hospital shelter yesterday was ordered held in lieu of $25,000 bail today on charges he stabbed a woman who'd just gotten off a bus from Brockton at the Ashmont T station Tuesday morning, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

By adamg - 7/3/12 - 9:24 am

Boston and Transit police are investigating a stabbing around 9 a.m. at the Ashmont Red Line station in which a woman was attacked with a pen. The suspect is described as a black male, 35-40, with a full beard, wearing blue jeans, black sneakers and possibly a burgundy shirt, last seen walking inbound on Dot. Ave. carrying a jacket in a plastic bag.

By adamg - 7/2/12 - 4:07 pm

Updated MBTA photo policy - dispenses with requirement to show ID if asked, but see the section about not taking photos of "restricted areas," basically inside normally locked doors and the like where only workers go. MBTA Transit Police tweeted this means:

If you are in a public area and can see it, you can photograph it. Stay behind the yellow line!

By adamg - 7/2/12 - 9:53 am

UPDATE: The T reports the pass problem has been fixed in time for the evening rush.

There were two dead trains on the Red Line this morning. Meanwhile, Kristin MacDougall tweets she asked a woman at a customer-service window at Downtown Crossing what to do about the fact that her July pass didn't work:

Woman at T Cust Svc window said: Bad batch of July passes indeed went out. Should work in 2 days. Till then, duck or piggyback.

By adamg - 7/1/12 - 10:26 am

Mats Tolander reports on (and photographs) an incident on Comm. Ave. by BU's Warren Towers yesterday that ended with an MBTA cop spraying a belligerent guy in the face with pepper spray and cuffing him.

By adamg - 7/1/12 - 12:38 am

A toast to confederation! Oh, wait, wrong July 1 holiday. No parades, no little free boxes of mints, just higher fares.

By adamg - 6/30/12 - 11:21 pm

Last JP loop bus

Stuart Spina reports:

Rode the FINAL Route 48 trip this afternoon! After 39 years the route is no more.

By adamg - 6/28/12 - 7:31 pm

Major delays on the Red Line, again, as a dead train is taken out of service at Park Street.

The Sailing Foodie tweeted around 7 p.m.:

Getting motion sick thanks to the MBTA driver who keeps inching the red line train fwd an inch while we are stopped in the tunnel ... #Mbta fail when you get on at park @ 620 and your still stuck btwn Park and MGH 40 minutes later!!!!!! #loosingmymind

Brian adds:

By Ron Newman - 6/28/12 - 11:49 am

Until today, the MBTA's website announced that, effective July 1, there would be a $3 surcharge for any commuter rail ticket bought on the train -- even if you board at a station such as Belmont or Gloucester, which has no ticket machines and no store anywhere nearby that sells tickets.

Outlying commuter train passengers railed against the new surcharge.

By adamg - 6/28/12 - 11:39 am

The MBTA reports ridership in May increased 2.9% over the previous year, the 16th straight month ridership has gone up.

Green Line usage increased 9.1%, the T says.

By adamg - 6/27/12 - 1:30 pm

Some of the T's old tokens, all bagged and ready to go. Photo by MBTA.Tokens all bagged and ready to go. Photo by MBTA.

By adamg - 6/27/12 - 8:40 am

News item: MBTA may sell station names - and one of the first of the new stations could be Emerson Boylston.

Emerson Boylston knew what they say: Gentlemen never drink before 11 a.m. or east of Tremont.

By adamg - 6/25/12 - 10:30 pm

Bus into building. Photo by BFD.Bus into building. Photo by BFD.

An MBTA bus with about 15 passengers crashed into a brand-new Whittier Health Center building at 1290 Tremont St. around 10:25 p.m.

The Boston Fire Department reports two passengers were taken to the hospital. The building was empty at the time; the collision burst a sprinkler pipe.

Susan Tran at WHDH tweets the bus was cut off by another vehicle whose driver was trying to make a U-turn as the storm wound down.

View from the inside:

By adamg - 6/25/12 - 9:14 am

Meg Fowler Tripp reports from the Orange Line terminus:

All but 2 ticket machines & 2 gates not broken @ Forest Hills + rude T staff + seeing 1/2 people get on bus free = bah, fare increase.

No, not the guy with the pencil 'stache?

One of the ladies: "Like it's my @$&%! problem the machines don't work." -- after an older person got the "See Agent" message.

By adamg - 6/25/12 - 9:05 am

One man's cautionary tale:

Basically a man (40ish, gray hair) and a woman (who looked a little like Julianne Moore) approached me and told me their bag was stolen, they needed money to take a cab home, and they would pay me back for it later. They showed me a fake police report, gave me their cell number (which has a voicemail box that isn't set up), and texted me their address in Marlborough (a house which is up for sale).

I thought to myself, this is a little weird, but hey, maybe these people really DO need help.

By adamg - 6/23/12 - 10:13 am

Items returned on the Red Line

Stuart Spina was on scene shortly after midnight when a northbound train out of Ashmont stopped halfway up the tracks at South Station and the driver got out to retrieve, well, OK, not a cute little kid's cute little stuffed bunny, but a purse and sweater a woman had somehow dropped on the tracks.

No immediate word if the MBTA is planning a new PSA campaign:

This is Chief Paul MacMillan of the MBTA Transit Police reminding you to stop dropping your damn stuff on the tracks. That yellow strip is there for a reason, people. Have a nice day, and thank you for riding the T.

By adamg - 6/22/12 - 12:41 pm

The MSPCA reports Mace the pomeranian mix is now short a couple of toes, which had to be amputated after getting mangled at the top of an escalator at the Forest Hills T stop:

The doctors concluded that Mace's foot was so damaged that surgery was scheduled the following day to remove two of his toes. Doctors at Angell expect Mace will make a full recovery and will even learn to walk just as well as before on his now slightly altered hind leg.

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