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The T

By adamg - 11/9/12 - 3:33 pm

Brockton24_7 tweets somebody fell on the tracks at the Mass. Ave. stop shortly before 3 p.m. Service was, of course, halted to let him be scooped up.

By adamg - 11/9/12 - 7:22 am

Tuesday night, MBTA Transit Police had to dispatch officers to Andrew to deal with an angry man threatening other passengers with a plunger. Yesterday, police dispatched officers to the Red Line station to deal with a naked man (photo NSFW if you squint or have a decent sized monitor).

By adamg - 11/7/12 - 4:22 pm

New bi-level coaches from Korean manufacturer

Way late, but the T today took delivery of four new two-level commuter-rail coaches from Hyundai-Rotem at its Boston Engine Terminal in Somerville. According to a report by acting General Manager Jonathan Davis:

By adamg - 11/6/12 - 9:28 pm

AlertNewEngland reports somebody was stabbed around 6:30 p.m. at the Maverick Square Burger King and that the suspect, a Hispanic teen, fled into the Maverick T stop.

By adamg - 11/5/12 - 11:11 pm

Rob Watson photographed a "vaguely foreboding owl hanging out" above a Park Street exit tonight. A very real and alive, if vaguely foreboding, owl, he assures us.

By adamg - 11/5/12 - 1:12 pm

The T forwards this video of the woman who fell onto the tracks at Broadway on Saturday afternoon, causing delays on northbound trains. According to a Transit Police report:

By adamg - 11/3/12 - 3:45 pm

Amy Derjue reports from North Quincy this afternoon, where there is no Red Line service because of a person in the pit to the north - but she reports the person was scooped out off the tracks pretty quickly, so there is hope yet.

At 3:47 p.m., Eric Steinhardt tweeted:

2 ambulances & 2 fire trucks. Person on stretcher at bottom of stairs. Carrying her up now.

By adamg - 11/3/12 - 1:51 pm

Hazmat exercisePhoto by Boston Office of Emergency Management.

Police, fire and emergency-medical crews from across the area have descended on various locations in Boston this weekend for drills on dealing with a variety of situations, from hostage-taking bank robbers at the Circle Cinema in Cleveland Circle to a hazmat/suspicious package situation on a Blue Line train at Bowdoin (above). So any gunfire you might hear? Chances are it's not real.

On the Blue Line. Photo by BFD.On the Blue Line. Photo by BFD.

By adamg - 11/3/12 - 9:20 am

Kenmore Sq Boston flooding (Other) 10/20/1996..

When Kenmore station was filled with water. By Fourduce1.

The Christian Science Monitor interviews Michael Mulhern, who was director of subway operations at the MBTA in 1996 when the unexpectedly mighty Muddy River overflowed its banks, overwhelmed its tunnels and burst into Kenmore station, shutting it completely down for two months:

By adamg - 10/31/12 - 3:21 pm

MBTA Transit Police report arresting a man they say tried to piggyback a plainclothes cop into Park Street around 11 this morning.

By adamg - 10/30/12 - 10:01 pm

MBTA Transit Police report an inbound Orange Line train hit a 22-year-old man on the tracks about a half mile north of Malden Center around 8:40 tonight. He was taken to Mass. General and is expected to survive what AlertNewEngland reports are leg injuries.

Police say Orange Line service has been replaced with buses while they investigate the incident.

By adamg - 10/30/12 - 8:13 pm


Robby snapped this photo of a cat on the Red Line this evening. A cat in a stroller. A big-ass stroller, apparently. He tweeted:

What's wrong with this picture? Many things ...

Another commuter, AH, also took to Twitter, around 6:20 p.m. and was more specific:

Lady with a cat in full-sized/meant for children stroller preventing me and 8 other saps from going on T. #wtf #catbitch #mbta

Ah, but the cat owner tweets, too. In fact, Coco Koh has blogged about her adventures on the T with Jacoby the Abyssinian. So she tweeted right back:

FYI snippy woman on the Red Line: cats (& dogs) ARE allowed on #mbta as long as they're properly contained!!!

MzKeating chimed in:

[H]ave you ever tried to get a cat to walk on a leash?

Robby answered:

No, that sounds ridiculous. That was her rationale as well, along with cat does not like the escalator. ... Let's recap, cat, stroller, peak hours, capacity train. No, still not reasonable. Thing was gigantic.

Keep up to the minute by doing a Twitter search on #strollercat.

By adamg - 10/29/12 - 8:39 pm

Boston Public Schools will be open tomorrow, the city announced. In contrast, Newton, Somerville, Chelsea and Revere will be closed.

The MBTA, meanwhile, announced it expects to run normal subway and trolley service tomorrow, except between Reservoir and Riverside, where buses will be swapped in. On commuter rail, downed trees will mean no service on the Providence/Stoughton line past Mansfield. Other lines will run, but likely with delays.

By adamg - 10/29/12 - 3:31 pm

Tree on Orange LinePhoto by MBTA.

By adamg - 10/29/12 - 10:05 am

Subways, commuter rail, buses, the whole megillah.

By adamg - 10/28/12 - 11:53 pm

Sandbags at Fenway portal. Photo by MBTA.Sandbags at Fenway portal. Photo by MBTA.

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