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For you Universal Hub tracker fans

You're going to be seeing a bunch of entries with rudimentary descriptions of gas stations, drug stores and the like. It's for a database of all-night stores and services I'm building today (well, technically, what I'm doing is moving over the entries from here).

When done, there'll be a nice, spiffy new page at Boston All Night (right now, it's just a map with some pushpins in it).


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Our ever expanding sports universe

The Patriot Ledger steps up to the plate with its summary of all the changes in online and broadcast sports media in Boston.


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Trolley takes on car in Brighton

Channel 7 reports a trolley tangled with a car at Comm. Ave. and South Street tonight. No injuries. Channel 7 is of two minds on the cause: Web site says trolley driver cited, but live newscast at 11 says the car driver was cited.


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WGBH Twitter hacked

The Twitter account for WGBH's "Greater Boston" (@GreaterBoston) has been hacked. Either that, or PBS is finally offering some good loot when you donate money during commercial breaks.

Free tagging: 


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And will Thomas the Tank Engine be at South Station next week?

Tug, tug, tugTug, tug, tug

The Theodore Too normally plies the harbor of Halifax, but came down to Boston this weekend to help do, um, something related to the annual delivery of the Christmas tree Nova Scotia gives us as thanks for our help after a disastrous ship explosion in Halifax during World War I.

When we got to the World Trade Center around 3:30, it was kind of odd: Theodore sat there grinning despite the fact there was absolutely nobody in the strange city to keep him company - we'd thought he'd be open for a tour then. Oh, well. The kidlet really wanted to see him and we did - and we got to marvel at the SimCity nature of the South Boston waterfront ("I can see all the blue squares," she said - think she plays enough SimCity?)



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Shaft fire at downtown hotel

Boston Police tweet nobody was injured when a fire broke out in an elevator shaft at the Hyatt Regency on Avenue de Lafayette late this afternoon.


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There's another abandoned park restroom Boston wants to lease out

This time, in the Fens. The Fenway News reports Boston is seeking ideas for what to do with "the Duck House," an old restroom building on Agassiz Road that's gone unused since a fire in 1986:

... The Parks Department is seeking expressions of interest that provide for a public benefit and complement park management and programming. If a compatible use can be identified, the Department could grant a lease to a tenant who would restore the building for this use, provide public benefit, and enhance the Back Bay Fens. The Department would consider a long lease term; however, if the term is longer than three years, legislation will be required to enact such an agreement. ...


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Red Sox Nation is everywhere

Even on Glee (notice how the one guy who doesn't join in is wearing a pinstriped shirt).


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OK, now you can confuse Jordan's with Jordan Marsh

Not only has Jordan's bought and saved the old Jordan Marsh Enchanted Village, it's brought back Jordan's blueberry muffins.


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