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Revealed: Where the coyote gets his jet packs

Logan Airport had to briefly shut two runways today as crews tried to corral a particularly wily coyote, the Globe reports.


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It's safe to cough on the T again

And be a complete slob and read the ever informative Metro and its stories that make sure we know that woman got her new face from a cadaver and not a living donor, Mike Mennonno reports.

Miss M, who is 6 1/2 months pregnant, however, reports that one thing T riders never do, or at least, people on the 7 bus never do, is offer their seats to women in the later and more obvious stages of pregnancy. She prepares a Luther-like set of theses to explain to people what does not qualify them for sitting in those seats marked for the disabled, including:

2. Needing to reapply your lipgloss.


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MBTA tries to get Alewife signs just right - again

Boblothrope reports workers were busy replacing platform signs at Alewife station this morning - for like the fourth time in 16 months:

... The crew included no less than *four* supervisors, who stood around on the mezzanine level chatting.

I didn't notice any functional difference between the old signs and the new ones. They weren't just sticking on new graphics -- they were replacing the entire metal panels. ...

Apparently, Alewife is a testbed for new signage ideas for the rest of the T system.


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Ramping it up in May

Julia tells us what to do with ramps, which are only available around here in May - like pickling them and serving them with another spring delicacy: Delaware River shad roe.


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Cheapo German supermarket chain thinks we're ripe for the picking

Jon Chesto reports that Aldi has opened its first Massachusetts store, in Raynham.

Ed. conflicted note: I have a friend, who grew up in Germany, who swears by Aldi. But I gotta tell you, one of the things I least like to do on our annual Christmastime trips to Illinois is shopping at the local Aldi. Imagine if Building 19 were taken over by Scrooge and they got rid of all the wacky circulars and signs and stuff and then they went into the supermarket business. Welcome to hell Aldi.


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Turnpike director can't take the heat, so he quits

The Globe reports that "feisty" Alan LeBovidge resigned today, after doing a little calculus that he wasn't worth what the state was paying him. He did not mention whether becoming one of the most hated people in state government was part of the equation.


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Mock trial team could get real trial experience

Maimonides School team could sue over Saturday competitions:

... The students, whose school had never won a state championship in any activity, were crestfallen when told of the national scheduling problem. But they were also excited about their new role.

"The idea of a mock trial being in the middle of a real legal battle is pretty cool," said Leah Sarna, 17, another captain. ...


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How long would Joba the Putz last in the National League?

Not very long:

... It's nice to be 5-0 against the Yankees. Yanks fans will make excuses, like A-Rod being out. And that's fair. After all, April and May are A-Rod's best months. ...

Mike Giardi: I'm not to advocate violence, but I’ve about had it with Joba Chamberlain:

... Not only that, but I've about had it with the Red Sox letting him get away with it. The kid had impeccable control last night, yet somehow loses his grip to stick one right between Jason Bay’s shoulder blades? ...

Dan Tobin: Sox now have as many wins against New York as Teixeira has home runs:

... I ain't feeling sorry for you [Chamberlain], not when you act like you deserve Glen Davis's nickname more than he does. We call HIM Big Baby because of his girth and young-looking face. You? You got the girth, but that's not the only reason you'd qualify. ...

Kristen wonders why NESN screwed around with Buck "OR-tiz" Martinez when the Eck is such a wonderful Remy fill-in:

... Now don't get me wrong, I love Remy more than is probably healthy and wish him the speediest of speedy recoveries, but Eckersley is nothing short of a national treasure. The man simply says what he thinks, whatever pops into his head, regardless of appropriateness or tact. It's simply delightful. ...


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Danes cook up Boston headquarters

Mass. High Tech reports that Zendesk, a Danish company that provides online help-desk services to other companies, has gotten venture funding from Charles River Ventures to expand operations and set up a U.S. headquarters in the Boston area.


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