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Talk about your Internet flashbacks: Shore.net is back

Mass. High Tech reports that not only is Shore.net - one of the state's original ISPs - back in Lynn, it's being run again by original owner Lowell Gray.


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HDS now more like just H

Globe reduces HDS Greenway from weekly to monthly (scroll to the very bottom of that link).

Via Dan Kennedy, who notes that TLA fans can get their HDS fixes elsewhere.

Oh, and talks between the New York minions and the Newspaper Guild re-start at 5 p.m.


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And you thought flash mobs were pointless - and dead

United Way is organizing a pair of Boston flash mobs:

On June 6th at 1:30p and again on June 10th, scores of volunteers, all wearing Live United T-shirts (provided on the day) will meet at the same location in Boston and stand completely still for several minutes. To the outside viewer this "flash mob" of similarly dressed people frozen in place and holding signs about community needs will stand out as a memorable and unusual spectacle. By grabbing the public’s attention for several minutes, we can help raise awareness about people and agencies in our community who need help.


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Thanks for buying the Orpheum. Now will you fix it?

Live Nation has sold the Orpheum, Opera House, and Paradise to newly-organized Opera House Ventures LLC, owned by concert promoter Don Law and Star Market heir David Mugar.

The Orpheum is 157 years old, and in such deplorable condition that any reasonable person should be ashamed to own it. Don and David, will you please invest some money and some TLC into making it habitable again?


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Getting wicked lucky with deferred maintenance at the James Curley School in JP

Curley tree falls over

A resident forwards this photo showing a tree that fell over during today's rainstorm at the Curley School in Jamaica Plain. Turns out the tree was completely rotted out inside by termites, which might have been detected on an inspection.

The field where it fell is where kindergarteners normally play during the day. "I'm totally freaked out!" she says.


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U.S. Attorney Deval Patrick? No.

Today's New York Post Page Six gossip column stated that Deval Patrick was about to be offered the US Attorney position in MA amid sagging poll numbers as Governor. In a public Twitter mention similar to an exchange between the Governor and R.D. Sahl of NECN back in February, reporter Mike Sangalang at WBZ (@MikeSangWBZ) asked the Governor (@MassGovernor) about the validity of the rumor. About two hours later the Governor's press secretary, Kyle Sullivan, responded on Twitter that there was "absolutely no truth to this rumor".

Previously: News is made on Twitter?


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NECN: Menino agrees to three debates

NECN tweets the news. Presumably at least one will not be scheduled for the first game of the World Series or the first blue moon after Labor Day or some random Sunday at 4:30 a.m.


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A couple of notes on those fun little state pensions

Paul Levy has some thoughts on how to get those legislators to give up those embarrassingly outrageous pensions they got: Get Deval Patrick to call them up and play a little political hardball. Press conferences and repeated mentions of the legislators names if they don't agree would be involved.

Over at CommonWealth UnBound, Michael Jonas suggests the Globe stop taking quite so much credit for its pension scoops because, he says, they're not quite so scoopy:

"The Globe discovered the pension enhancements during a review of retirement benefits of former lawmakers, part of an ongoing series by the newspaper," reporter Sean Murphy wrote in Sunday's piece. But CommonWealth magazine discovered and reported extensively on this very abuse of state pension law back in 2002 and again in 2004. Indeed, the 2002 story caused such a splash that the Globe followed-up with a story the next day (full contents available only via paid archives) crediting CommonWealth with uncovering the abuse and highlighting the main findings of the CommonWealth story. Earlier this year, when the pension issue resurfaced on Beacon Hill, we pointed back to those stories and added some current context here, here, here, and here. ...


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Now if only they could play like this against the Rays

Peter notes the Sox are now 4-0 against the Yankees:

... Great job, Jon, and at the perfect time against the perfect foe. ...

Red says Big Papi is back:

... With everyone asking just what the f@#k's wrong with Papi, the Large Father bought himself at least a few days of reprieve from the slings and arrows with a showing against the Yankees that conjured images of Vintage Ortiz. Bringing bat to ball with extreme prejudice, hustling his oversized arse down the line like a trained bear chasing a motorized cookie tray, and surveying the damage like Zeus after a Mount Olympus bender.

One game doth not make a season, but for a few moments, it felt like 2007 all over again. And it didn't suck. ...

Flannery said sleep be damned:

It's nearing midnight and I’m sitting here shotgunning a fresh can of diet coke. I have to be up in just over 6 hours.

Yup. Just another game night.


Beth enjoyed the Orsillo/Eck/Dave Roberts combo:

If we can't have the Rem-Dawg, this is the next best thing.

Jimmy notes the failure of Girardi's faux outrage over a called strike three against Jeter and discusses Julio Lugo:

Julio Lugo was essentially benched by Terry Francona after botching a few plays in the field upon his return. I actually think he can outhit Nick Green fairly easily, but you don’t want to have a guy playing SS when he’s this rusty. Take a couple of days off, grab a coach, grab a fungo bat, and go take a few grounders. By "a few" I mean 400,000.


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Maybe the Celts needed one more day off

Morry Levine blames the Bulls for exhausting the Celtics.

Jay Fitzgerald sees a silver lining:

The Celts now know if they play more than one half, they can compete.


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