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Whispers of Brook Farm

Mike Ball takes us on a tour of the site where the utopian Brook Farm used to be, in West Roxbury:

... Brook Farm though is shade with mere glimpses and hints of what was. There's the barest foundation of the Margaret Fuller cottage (she visited frequently but was never a member of the farm) and some rubble. Mostly though, the unkind farmland that yielded poor crops remains. ...


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Should the T be an issue in the mayor's race?

Pierce rips into Sam Yoon for declining to take a stand on issues such as increasing the gas tax to help pay for public transportation:

... When you are a little known Counselor up against a mighty incumbent you have to take some risks and find some ways to get noticed. Yoon should have come out big for gas tax to help the T as a means of preventing fare hikes and maintaining services (and as a fairer means of supporting transit than the sales tax hike). And also brand it what it is - a green tax - and make it part of your campaign to green Boston, a way of capturing the attention of young people and affluent liberals. There is some risk in it - but it looks serious and would have gotten press. The business community is also in favor so the stance could have generated some cash potentially as well. ...


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Subway systems as scribbles

Someone has arranged a comparison of subway systems.

Yes, we have a hub topology. A frazzled-looking one.


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Globe and Newspaper Guild reach tentative settlement

The Globe article at 3:55am says details of the settlement would be released later today.


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Three arrested for Jamaica Plain double shooting

Boston Police report three arrests in connection with an April 28 shooting at 367 Centre St..

Tue, 04/28/2009 - 17:38
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The bag felt just a little bit heavier, and that made all the difference

Paul Levy reports that all the bar-code scanners in the world are still not a substitute for a trained nurse - who thought the bag of medicine she'd just checked out was "slightly heavier than usual" and sure enough, the dosage was higher than it should have been, due to what turned out to be a mistake at the drug wholesaler.


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Police wage trash war in Brookline

Wicked Local Brookline reports a trash collector for BFI was arrested for picking up the trash too early in the morning.


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Beverly man charged with stealing $2.7 million from city of Boston

The city hired Stephen Colahan in 1995 to go after people delinquent on their auto-excise taxes. A Suffolk Superior Court grand jury today indicted him on charges he did a great job collecting the money but, oopsies, after 2001 or so, he simply started keeping a lot of the money. Allegedly, of course.

Innocent, etc.


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Somewhere in Rome, Bernie Law must be laughing his ass off

Globe religion writer Michael Paulson reminds us of the time the then cardinal of the Archdiocese of Boston urged God to do something about that nasty Globe, when it kept insisting on running stories about child-molesting priests.

Paulson also expresses his outrage over former colleague David Warsh's recent contention that the Globe is failing because, in part, its readers didn't really give a hoot about loathsome clergy:

... I also think it's kind of insane, and insulting, to imply that the abuse story was aimed "over the heads of readers" -- I've never been involved with any story that provoked more engagement and reaction from readers, or one that readers said was more significant to their own lives. ...


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