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Rural Catholic school pulls out of St. Patrick's Day parade to avoid teh gay

Peter Wilson at WBZ reports the Immaculate Heart of Mary School in Harvard won't let its students march in the St. Patrick's Day parade in South Boston because it doesn't want anybody thinking it condones "the homosexual lifestyle" it's apparently convinced parade organizers now countenance by letting a group that supports gay rights promote "diversity."

The school pulled out of a parade in Worcester last year for the same reason.

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All that's left now is for the "No Homos Need Apply" lady to make a move on this. What's her fresh take?

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Hope the students march without the permission of there school then.

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I honestly don't understand the Catholic teachings that would support keeping your students at home rather than marching in an (ostensibly) Catholic event because there might be some gay folk there. Seriously. Let's hide from the people we consider--you know--the super sinners, as opposed to the rest of us regular sinners. Is this WWJD? I don't think so.

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They think "the gay" will rub off.

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The school cancels their trip to the parade to avoid a handful of gays, but the excessive drinking and intoxicated parade goers never bothered them. Gee, that makes total sense.

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These people in Still River are the right wing Old Sturbridge Village of the Roman Catholic Church. They are also known as The Slaves of the Immaculate Mary. They advocate that there is no salvation in life outside of the church. Fr. Leonard Feeney, who was thrown out of the Jesuits for being more Pat Buchanan than good old Fr. Pat, was one of them.

They have a rabid history of anti-Semitism and if given the chance would be the doctrinal Taliban of a Catholic America.

The nuns still go full habit and the priests sometime still wear those cassocks. This is fine if they want to do it, but take your Monster Raving Looneyism and have your own parade up on Route 110 around the corn fields.

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Ignoring the ridiculousness of a school in Harvard bringing their students all the way to Boston for this crap parade, I'd be more concerned about my kid catching Sleazy Politician or Drunken Frat Bro than The Gay, but I'm not a bigot so this whole thing is frankly baffling to me.

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During marching season (yes, I was a band geek in high school), we would often travel up to 2-3 hours away to march in a parade depending on factors like prior attendance, cost to march/travel, and competition (sometimes these parades for completely different public purposes are actually a way for bands to compete with each other with a judging booth and everything that most attendees aren't aware of).

So, it's not unreasonable that anyone from around 495 might come to Boston for a few different parades for the year.

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Obviously schools travel for parades, but I question them traveling for this clusterfuck in particular. I only went a couple of years, but I don't remember it being well-organized in any way and I'd be surprised to find out there's a real competition involved.

Does anyone know if there's judging or anything else that would motivate schools to come for this one?

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It's Southie, not Lourdes.

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That makes it fun and exciting for kids who march in them.

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A Catholic school is in favor of pulling out to avoid consequences of its actions? Shocker.

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The Catholics like their gays either in the closet or the sacristy , whichever you prefer.

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whoever made the decision to pull out is probably afraid of seeing perhaps some same-sex "friends" who might recognize him from his past toe-tapping, wide-stance trips into Boston, if you know what I'm sayin'. Just speculation here, but "methinks that the lady doth protest too much."

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Now I want to read the one where they avoid the tax-exempt status. Involuntarily.

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Would you liberal clowns criticize Islam for believing gays should be put to death? How about black Christians that are extremely anti-gay? No and no. Cowards. Maybe this school doesn't want it's students involved in a parade that has groups marching based solely on sex choices, no matter what they are.

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Your dull straw man was already shredded multiple times here. The notion that anyone else gets a pass on homophobia, that this is just an anti-Catholic initiative, is absurd. Anti-gay bigotry from any group would be subject to the exact same criticism. Pay attention.

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Homosexuality is a sin in the Catholic religion and many if not most other major religions. I'm not asking you to like that fact, simply accept it. It's only bigoted to the uneducated who don't understand the theology behind the belief when in fact the belief has nothing to do with condemning the people, only the action - for the exact same reasons birth control and masturbation are sins (as Pope Francis most recently stated far more lovingly and gracefully than I ever could).

Not saying I agree with it which I don't - but I do understand and respect it (at least the Catholic viewpoint).

The bigots are those who feel they can dictate to someone what their religious beliefs should be. Pay attention.

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I'll never accept Catholic dogma as anything other than the nonsense it is. Pure and utter nonsense. Of course anyone is free to believe what they want, just as I am allowed to mock those beliefs. Spending your life adhering to the tenets of a book published by people that would be considered savages today is not my idea of how one should live their life. If that were the case, why not start a religion based on the "Twilight" novels?

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Homosexuality is a sin in the Catholic religion and many if not most other major religions.

Those teachings talk about the behavior of the adherent.

If you read it closely, they also say "mind your own business/soul" in many places - in other words "YOU don't be gay, but don't hate".

Even within the religious framework, there is much said about these things. Within US civil society, being religious gives you absolutely no right to demand that others follow your religion or that they are bigoted because they tell you no.

Besides, there is also plenty in that good book that says "if your faith is strong ...".

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I was in the "Newman Club" in my public high school - a group of students who did community service, and for some reason was also a Catholic faith group. The Catholic aspect of it never really came into play (except maybe that one of our activities was to sing carols at nursing homes), but what sticks with me is that we would throw a baby shower for unwed mothers in the neighborhood. I asked my advisor why we did this, since the church frowns upon premarital sex. She replied that we shouldn't judge and they need our help.

There is hope for Catholicism.

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Some of those once-celebrated Old Testament values like polygamy, slavery, and torture are now proscribed by modern Catholic doctrine, and it looks like the Catholics' Infallible Voice of God on Earth is also softening on the tenet (note, found only in the Old Testament -- homosexuality is never mentioned in the New Testament) that gays are sinners to be shunned.

Americans are increasingly coming around to the idea that that perspective is backward, ignorant hatred: inexcusable in a tolerant, egalitarian society. For the moment, the parade organizers have a fig leaf of legal protection in the dubious notion that their event is private. My belief is that their attitudes will increasingly be condemned as Neanderthal. As in Arizona, secular morality (helped, perhaps, with the reality that being perceived as bigots is bad for business) will trump religious intolerance. For the moment, it appears that will have to encouraged via activism outside of the court system.

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Disagreeing with official Roman Catholic policy does not equal bigotry. It is worth noting however that Roman Catholic hierarchy have striven to impose their religious beliefs on others. Before same gender marriage was settled in Massachusetts Roman Catholic bishops instructed their underlings to tell parishioners to lobby legislators to oppose same gender marriage. They tried to dictate what should be law where homosexual relationships are concerned. That is paying attention.

Roman Catholic theology in sexual matters is often messed up. Condemning masturbation, telling women their role is to be a baby factory and condemning Gays attempts to violate and disrupt the mental health of people. That makes is deserving of criticism.

The philosophy of condemning the act, not the actor is a crock of mud. Accusations of sodomy were traditionally a method of political attack and retribution. A person found "guilty" of crimes against nature were far more than just a lecture by the priest. Punishment began with imprisonment and extended to castration and burning at the stake.

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Mormons didn't consider black people humans until rather recently. Were we supposed to "accept and respect" that? All they do is pick and choose from the Bible anyways.

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stop using ridiculous terms like "sex choices?" Seriously? At what age did you "choose" to be straight (if that's indeed what you did)? And we covered this in an earlier thread--when Boston Muslims and black Christian groups start holding parades and excluding gay groups then yes, we'll have that discussion. This whole "we white Catholics are just so picked on!" is really tired.

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I see myself as an equal opportunity offender. When some Islamic/ black Christians start writing the same crap as you in this forum, I'll gladly say something they find as offensive to them as their words are to me. And as far as choice goes, I'm sure you didn't choose to be an ignorant bigot, you were just born that way.

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"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today."

~ Thomas Sowell

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Such radical ideas as this here, I suppose:

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteenth_Amendment_...

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Re-read your own quote! State does NOT = Private Party

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How much tax money goes into this, again? Last I checked, the parade didn't shell out for the security details or street sweeping of green vomit.

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I'm a liberal clown but not a coward. I think ANYONE who is a close-minded bigoted fool can go suck a bag of donkeyballs.

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Troll so hard...

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As a straight white woman, I consider myself relatively liberal, I'm not a clown, and I, too am aware of the fact that there's a strong streak of homophobia in the Islamic religion involving the belief that homosexuals should be put to death, and of the fact that there are some extremely anti-gay black christians as well, and they do deserve criticize them. However, this particular subject focuses mainly on something that's closer to home, and if the organizers of the St. Patrick's Day parade engage in discriminatory behavior, they, too, deserve to be criticized.

Homophobia, like all forms of discrimination, exists in all segments of our society and throughout the world, and, although it may never be eliminated entirely (there'll always be people who think that way no matter what.), people who act on such attitudes have to be taken to task, condemned and/or punished for it, as necessary, no matter who's the perpetrator.

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The Southern Poverty Law Center lists the New Hampshire branch of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as a "hate" group describing them as ""Radical traditionalist' Catholics", who may make up the largest single group of serious anti-Semites in America."

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But aren't the NH and Harvard groups completely separate now?

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their philosophies run very close. IMO, this is a Catholic version of JWs. As a Catholic; I did not know this type of organization still existed.

I just went to the IHM website. None of their 'more info' links are working. Looking at the URL of the web address; the school is a sub-page of the "Saint Benedict Center, the monastic home of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary". This is a radicalized sect that dispels modernization of Catholic teachings.

There is an article on the Saint Benedict Center homepage entitled "No Blessing for Boston" which specifically speaks to withdrawing from the St Patrick's Day Parade. A copy of the press release is also there for those that might be so inclined.

They go into great detail of theirhistory delving into many matters including being separated and the rejoined with the Catholic Church. They claim their separation was based on political pressure exerted on Cardinal Cushing. Their history is an interesting read, much like reading world history of "The Crusades". What is concerning however is that this is no longer a historical read, but a very real and active group.

They declare: "the policy of the Center was to spread the Faith by teaching through the magisterial doctrines"...."Our spirituality of Consecration to Mary, as set forth in the writings of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort". and "Our "Manual for Total Consecration" has been compiled and several hundred thousand copies have been distributed."

We may miss the float of St Patick from the parade this year, but we will not miss their closed minded teachings. We don't need them in Boston spewing faith-based hatred.

(ok, off my soapbox now)

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... to ignore all the parts of Catholic doctrine that don't fit their (very much) anti-Vatican II viewpoint. Like all extreme fundamentalists, they are very selective about the parts of the religion THEY consider fundamental.

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Welcome to Saint Benedict Center, the monastic home of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a unique traditional religious Order living the spirituality of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort's "True Devotion to Mary" through Total Consecration. We are faithful to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, and loyal to the Latin Tridentine Mass which is offered daily here in Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, and is open to the public.

Our apostolate of evangelization is fulfilled by printing "From the Housetops," operating Immaculate Heart of Mary School, and Montfort Retreat.


Immaculate Heart of Mary School is located at Saint Benedict Center, in the village of Still River, part of Harvard. Students (Grades 1-12) are advantaged by small class sizes, so teachers are able to focus more attention on individual students. The school building offers a science lab, computer lab, library and classrooms. In addition, we are presently constructing a 15,000 sq ft. gymnasium/auditorium. The Elementary grades are taught by the Religious Sisters, in an academic setting that integrates the Faith in all subjects. The students are also prepared for the reception of the sacraments during these grades. The Junior High and High School are instructed by Religious Brothers and Sisters and lay teachers; each specializing in their field. Extracurricular activities offer a rounded experience of life to students and include: IHM Marching Band, Basketball and Baseball teams, Pro-Life League, and National Honor Society.

From the Housetops - This booklet is a magazine that was started in the early days of the Center when it was an apostolate to Harvard University in Cambridge. Once the Center moved to Harvard, MA, it took a hiatus until it was revived in 1975 by Brother Hugh Mac Isaac.
Gate of Heaven - First published in 1951 during the controversy over the dogmatic teaching “extra ecclesiam nulla salus,” outside the Church there is no salvation. Overwhelmingly reaffirms the consistent and infallible Church teaching on this subject.


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Did somebody tell them they couldn't wear the hoods? Or did someone tell them they let Jews march too?

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As long as the Cycling Murray's are in the parade I will be there. I don't care who else decides to march or not march

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Strange family! They missed the Roslindale parade last year, i assume they were making skin suits.

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I mean, they are riding bikes in the street!!!!! Won't they get attacked with a car or something?

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Swrrly, what a nasty thing to say about the Murray family. I saw them last year at the Southie parade -- they were riding in honor of their grandmother who had just passed away. It was very touching.

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You lighten up, miserable bitter internet troll.
I'll be wearing green and enjoying the parade with friends while you're judging away from mommy's basement with bigoted swrrlygrrl.

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St. Patrick's Day is such a blast, can't we all just get along?? I hope more groups apply to march in the parade once gay people are allowed to openly march. The Southie parade is pretty crazy, but everyone in my experience has always been quite friendly. Last year each time someone bumped into me they would say sorry or excuse me or Happy St.Paddy's Day with a smile. Cycling Murrays are the best!

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...religious intolerance makes it so easy for me to be completely non-religious.

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Would the Catholic League be allowed to march in the Gay Pride parade.. with signs?

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I wonder what it has to do with the issue at hand. On the one hand, you have a group that is asking for inclusion in a parade because it feels it has the same right to express its affiliation with Irish-American culture as any other. In your hypothetical example, you have a group that expresses no affiliation with the culture celebrated by the parade, and in fact spends a lot of its time attacking it as deviant and sinful. Can you spot the tiny difference there? Do you want to place bets on which side would be likelier to treat the other with tolerance?

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Here's a better, more appropriate one: Will the Westboro Baptist Church be allowed to march in this year's parade? They've requested a spot according to their Twitter account. They also claim to have been given permission to march however the only proof they've offered so far is the request letter and nothing else.

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Surely you don't mean Bill Donahue's Catholic League? The man with the busiest fax machine in history?

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in this piece by Kevin Cullen in the Boston Globe.

Favorite quote: "[T]here’s something petty and anachronistic about this whole squabble and the politics of exclusion. If anybody should show solidarity with people who might be shunned or derided for being nothing more than themselves, it’s the Boston Irish. If anybody should recoil at the prospect of being stereotyped as a group, it’s people in Southie, who were lumped together with the racist thugs who threw rocks at buses carrying black kids in the 1970s."

Some eye-opening facts on the extremism and virulent antisemitism of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, too.

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If anybody should show solidarity with people who might be shunned or derided for being nothing more than themselves, it’s the Boston Irish.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I know, right? I'm not holding my breath waiting for *that* to happen.

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Putting all the controversy aside - if you went to a parade and it had all kinds of groups - PITA, The NRA, the NAACP, MASSPIRG, MADD, the 47 Neighborhood Assns of (fill in the blank), Women in Finance, the Boston Estate Planning Council etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam - would you want to go back to that parade?

When I go to a parade (and I generally attend 2 per year - First Night with my niece and nephew and Pride) I want to see people who are either entertaining me - or do something that deserves my applause (like veterans and cops and firefighters and teachers). I turn off when the trolley buses of "VIP's" and random neighborhood groups walk by - the parade would be better without them. They are nothing more than fillers.

Nothing against the gay groups themselves - but I don't want to see them in a parade because they (and all the groups like them such as those mentioned above and the 57,000 other similar groups in Massachusetts) are BORING and nobody wants to see people whose only claim to fame is being people - and maybe a member of a random group.

Now if I'm a parade organizer - I keep them out because of that - they're boring. That's a good thing - they're just like all the rest of us now! If you want to march because you're gay - wait til June - I'll even come out and watch and cheer - if you do something more interesting than walk and chew gum.

Now if you are a giant of a person and you have a tiny little car you want to drive in circles while you are wearing a funny hat - THAT's entertainment. Join the giant person with a funny hat that drives a tiny little car in circles group for this parade - or in June.

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Shame on you and your school. The bullying and pain that gay and transgendered children go through everyday is so terrible and now you are basically telling them that they should be ashamed of who they are . Even the Pope does not judge. You are perpetuating the stigma that gay people are sick and should be hidden. Children would rather kill themselves then tell their parents and peers that they are gay. You do not become gay! Being with gay people will not make you gay! God does not make mistakes. I hope there are no children who are in your school who are gay and try to force themselves to hide who they really are because of your backwards bigotry.Pulling the marching band out of a Parade is simply telling the world that it's ok
to shun people who are different.

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God hates people who interpret the bible to their own advantage and bigots a lot more than a homosexual!

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