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Blecch: Cleveland Circle Chipotle also closed for letting a worker handle food while sick, not keeping hot food hot enough


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how they determine/prove that an employee is sick?

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I'll leave a restaurant if I notice a sick worker handling food. Being sick sucks.

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Agree about seeing a sick server. I have walked out (after saying something) when the person who is about to touch my food, has just put down the broom and didn't wash their hands. Happens all the time, except now they often put on gloves before they touch the food, which is better but not 100% OK.

P.S. Does it feel like the city and BC students are sort of piling on?

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I was at O'hare once on a layover. I order pizza from Sbarro's.. as they were getting my slice, it was obvious the employee was sick. He had to stop 3 times to blow his nose and sniffled the whole time getting one sliice of pizza. Right as it was about to be served, he coughed on it. I just left it there (even though I already had paid)

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If somebody comes in constantly sneezing, sniffling and coughing all over the place, and sweating, and with a productive or dry cough, and with a constantly runny nose, and looks feverish, it's pretty obvious that s/he is sick, imho, and should've stayed home from work.

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maybe the company does not offer paid sick leave....maybe the boss is an asshole and fires or reduces the schedule of anyone who calls in sick

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Now if we mandated paid sick time, this would've never happened.

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if the person who ratted out the sick dude ends up shitcanned

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Vote Bernie 2016!

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No paid sick time?

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If the workers are just paid an hourly wage, and especially if they're part-time, they probably don't have benefits like paid sick time. They might have to choose between losing that shift's earnings by staying home, or risking it by working while sick to make sure they get paid.

(I don't know Chipotle's practices specifically, though, so please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just basing this on what I know of other service industry jobs, which tend not to be terribly generous when it comes to benefits.)

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Actually, Massachusetts recently passed a law (came into effect July 1, 2015) mandating that all workers (in places that employ more than 11 people) do earn paid sick time. It's not much, but it's better than nothing.

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I found the law. It is indeed better than a stick in the eye, as my grandfather used to say. Definitely a step in the right direction.

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if there's a policy in place where an employee must find coverage for their shift and there's no one willing or able to cover, that staff member will go to work sick. in turn, everyone else gets sick. it's miserable.

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Terrorist eateries taking over now?

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Something very similar happened while I was in college 11 years ago in South Florida. It was the day before Christmas break and everyone (myself included) who ate at one of the on-campus cafeterias came down with Norovirus. After investigation, it was determined that one of the cafeteria workers was sick with Norovirus after coming back from a cruise.

I can't help but think the current situation is very similar.

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Sounds like CHIPOTLE has a management problem. I was a big fan until I got sick twice after eating at FENWAY CHIPOTLE. So, I was not surprised that the Fenway location on Brookline Ave was also ordered closed after inspection found sub-standard refrigeration and food left at room temperatures.


The employees at Chipotle never seem that well trained. Growth of the company as been amazing, but I have stopped eating there.

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Anons reporting they got sick at local eatery.

Not that I don't believe you, but there's no useful information here.

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It seems that the Fenway location was closed in July (at least that's the date on the notice in the link above.)

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or corporate owned locations?

that information would be exceedingly relevant before establishing some basis for lack of decent management across the board.

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I've definitely noticed as the chain expanded employees tend to be less and less well trained. The chipotle in the Dedham mall is a nightmare of indifferent teenagers making cold / shitty food. I've stopped eating there as well.

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is that its gone through some relatively tumultuous situations re: ownership

at one point mcdonalds purchased a 50% stake in the company, though they eventually divested, which given how mcdonalds is faring recently might be something they regret.

*shrug* i'm not a chipotle fanboy and don't really like going to any burrito place that will put rice in its burritos by default, frankly, but theyre interesting to read about from a business sense.

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Anyone who eats at Chipotle quite clearly does not give a shit about what they put in their body.

Is this a surprise?

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go to restaurant depot in everett sometime. a lot of the stuff they carry there certainly isn't anything special but i guarantee you will recognize a shitload of restaurants buying stuff there that you respect a lot more than chipotle.

but, truly, ignorance is bliss, which anybody that has worked in a restaurant would likely agree with

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Right, because the fact that the food doesn't pass muster with your political, environmental, woowoo health, and/or guilt-based ideology means people should expect to get infected with viruses from it.

But thank you for posting. It's my daily reminder why I keep the above kind of stuff far, far away from my eating decisions.

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Chipotle tastes like plastic.

Is demanding good tasting food an ideology? Or simply good consumer sense.

You seem to be showing signs of cognitive dissonance.

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....and a puke...and another shit....and another puke.

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