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Orange crush

Crammed trains on the Orange Line

Barely able to hold it together on the best of days, the creaky Orange Line groaned under the extra bodies of Green Line riders told to go Orange to get around the mess downtown today. Tim Lawrence shows us some of the put-upon Orange Line riders at Sullivan Square after many of them had helplessly watched three full-to-bursting trains with no room left pointlessly stop at Downtown Crossing and State Street only to be ordered out at Sullivan when their train was taken out of service.



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Green Line fiasco. MBTA reporting moderate delays due to a disabled train, initially identified at Downtown Crossing - but no location given in the subsequent moderate delay "update" alerts (and of course, no information about which direction the train is at).

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I was shocked to find that the green line was fine at 5pm at Park Street today. I was expecting it to be so bad that I'd have to walk to Downtown Crossing & take the orange instead. Glad I didn't!

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I just saw a report on the Green Line fiasco on the ABC 6:30 news. The T is officially a national embarrassment. Though I don't know why they decided to report on this one since an equivalent fiasco happens daily.

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I hope the segment included a comment from our inexplicably popular Governor about how little difference it makes to him if our transit system is crippled beyond repair or not.

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So you want the Governor to raise fares or taxes to help fix the T?

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Thanks for asking. Also if he could do the opposite of whatever it is he did to put the Big dig on the T's back.

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Sell your car and ride the T. It's always an adventure!

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No one died on the T today. Can't say the same about people driving on the roads of Boston today.

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No but 3 hours to go 10 mi!es? Great public transit system you're promoting there as a replacement for my auto. Thanks but no thanks. My time is valuable to me and my family.

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Because my friends in a car took two hours to go ten miles because of the flooding out of two lanes of the roadway.

About the only way you could game this entire commuting mess was to bike ... but even that wasn't the best way, given the weather. My husband cut out earlier than usual to avoid the thunderviolence and flooding risks. I'm glad my son's shift ended at 3:30 west of the city.

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2 hours in my car is much better than 3 hours in an overcrowded, dirty subway station any day,

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You're false concern is a nice touch but we all know you're only concerned with yourself. Nice try though.

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You're false concern is a nice touch

I believe the word you're looking for is "your". Hope this helps.

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You're making drivers so angry they're dropping their phones and probably swerving in and out of traffic, probably contributing to the problem

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Ahhh ... to be able to swerve out of traffic.

Commuting around here is like the vernacular laws of thermodynamics:
1. you can't win
2. you can't break even
3. you cant' even get out of the game

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Welcome to Boston!

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because after reading Shirley Leung's glowing article of the MBTA a couple weeks ago, I'm "shocked" to see something like this happen. They said they have an "89%" on time rate, this MUST be the anomaly. But you know, now that reporters ride the train, I am SURE that the T's inability to work will be covered somewhere other than Uhub. #sarcasm

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I'm the luckiest guy because I live in a great neighborhood near Newton Corner and take a bus to work in Watertown. I love the city, but I'm happy not to be commuting there daily. That said, what's happening in Boston is probably peanuts compared to the Summer of Hell in New York.

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I suspect that the train that dropped me off at 5:30 was only one of three that went by here before that picture was taken. As it was, my train was packed to the gills. The only way I made it on was that I did not have a bag and could squish into a flat space and still clear the doors.

I looked up as I left the station and noticed that the next train was due to arrive thirteen minutes after mine did, with another in 25.


I collected my bike and headed out. It must have been my lucky day, because the little phone alarm went off when I was mostly home, thunder started up when I had about 3/4 of a mile left, lightning started when I was a block away, and then it all cut loose as soon as I stashed my bike and got in the door.

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