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Roxbury neighborhood group seeks to have road renamed for Chuck Turner

The Highland Park Neighborhood Council voted this week to ask the city to rename a portion of Dudley Street to Chuck Turner Way in honor of the former city councilor, who died last month.

The proposed renamed street would run from Malcolm X Boulevard and Shawmut Avenue to Washington Street - past the building where Turner had his neighborhood office - in Nubian Square.



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he took bribes, was charged with extortion, was indicted by a grand jury on three charges of making false statements and a charge of conspiracy. he was eventually sentenced to three years in prison when the judge cited him for his "ludicrously perjurious testimony"

yeah lets name a street after him.

what did tom yawkey do again?

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He did a lot of good things and then one really stupid thing. I found a new respect for him when I learned he was one of the early leaders of the community effort to block the expansion of I-95 through Cambridge and Boston that would have devastated these communities.

Much like the Dudley Sq rename, the only people who should have a say on street or square names are the local residents.

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They prosecuted him for ONE illegal thing...that was a gross breach of public trust and illegal, not "stupid."

Claiming that he was pure as snow and did nothing else wrong is absurd, particularly given how closely tied to Wilkerson he was, she was caught pulling the same crap, and the papers dug up a lot of circumstantial evidence that the scheme they were running was wide-spread.

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Now leverage your outrage at this a**hole... we'll wait.
This city is infested with far worse rot than anything Chuck ever did wrong.


Lynch, 66, a city employee for more than two decades until he resigned in August, is slated to be sentenced in federal court Jan. 24 for taking a $50,000 bribe to help a Boston real estate developer. The photograph provided a damning portrait of the crime as prosecutors seek to justify their recommended sentence.

Prosecutors say he took the $50,000 bribe in installments. In the photo, dated October 2018, he is shown leaning into the front seat of a car, the door open, and being handed a stack of bills said to total $5,000. The records do not identify who is handing him the money.

Lynch, who had been assistant director of real estate at the Economic Development Industrial Corporation, pleaded guilty to the bribery and to tax fraud, and faces 46 to 57 months under sentencing guidelines. Prosecutors also asked that he forfeit $50,000, and pay $14,000 in restitution to the Internal Revenue Service.

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.... we named plenty of stuff after Curley. So either yes to naming stuff after Turner, or start pulling Curley’s name off of stuff....

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To the best of my knowledge, he only has a bathhouse named after him that now functions as a BCYF gym. His wife has a school named after her.

The renaming of a street is odd to me, but there is precedent with that. I think that something better would be to name something near the Southwest Corridor after him, since he did a heck of a job stopping the highway. But at the end of the day, my honest view is "whatever."

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They should name the sidewalk over the Fairmount Avenue bridge "Chuck Turner Way."

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Look, I don't have the answer, but somewhere between Ruggles and Jackson Square. There's a photo out there of him leading a rally in that rough area.

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If it gots to be a Chuck it gots to be a Norris. All roads may lead to Rome but at the center of Rome is Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris doesn’t drive down roads. Roads move under Chuck Norris. Magoo.

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It should be left unshoveled all winter.

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Diane Wilkerson Center for Financial Literacy where numerous banking products are available based on cup size?

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Why can't today's commemorative street names sound like normal street names?

Like, "Turner Street", rather than "Chuck Turner Way".

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BaldIsBeautiful Blvd

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How about we stop renaming streets altogether?

Go ahead and rename a bridge or overpass or rotary, but renaming streets is disruptive.

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Being disruptive is part of the point

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Name new streets and bridges after people instead of screwing around with existing names.

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Like the marine park, should definitely be renamed...

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Glad they are doing it. People should remember his work and legacy.

It's always stomach churning to see the brigade of racist comments and likes that show up on this site. Yawkey was a segregationist who willingly refused to hire hall of fame players simply because they were black.

Yet people continue to applaud that racist tradition. I guess if your only way to enforce white supremacy and feel good about yourself is to continue to applaud people who value white skin over actual human potential, then you are some sad folk.

Change continues to come slowly to Boston. I witness that hatred in these comments almost every day. I believe the city can do better but I may in fact be wrong.

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That’s not it. It’s a joke putting so much effort into changing a street name and continuing to have a pretty much all white Red Sox office staff. They talk the talk and that’s it.

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On Monday, they had a Puerto Rican manager. As of my writing of this, I can say that he was not replaced by a white guy.

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Not Dudley Street. That is the stub of Roxbury Street left over from when six lanes of New Dudley Street were built to obliterate that stretch of Roxbury Street from roughly Shawmut Street to the Marcus Garvey House. New Dudley, of course, was later renamed, Malcolm X Blvd.

After this renaming, what will be left of Roxbury Street will be contiguous, from Malcolm X Blvd, southwest up the hill to John Eliot Square, past the parting stone to the right, and going down the hill to dead end into Elmwood Street and Gardner Street. Before the early '80s, Roxbury Street continued right past the old police station (repurposed for a while into The Third Nail) and into Roxbury Crossing, where the NY & New Haven RR crossed over the final leg of Tremont Street. (And, Miss Google, that's treh-mont, not treee-mont.)

And, while we're at it, naming what used to be the largest commercial shopping district next to Washington Street downtown (Dudley Square) after a fecking convenience store (Nubian Notion) beggars belief. And, tough luck. We just need to get over it and move on.

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I don’t think Nubian Sq was named after the store...

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Here's some history on the impact of A Nubian Notion and how it anchored a historic era of Afrocentric Boston.

White resentment that a black business is being honored is transparent racism and continues the legacy of white violence and disenfranchisement against Black Boston residents. You are deciding to continue that white supremacist legacy. In the year 2020.

You literally don't have to show your hated and ignorance regardless of how many historical street names you can reel off. A Nubian Notion is as much a part of Boston history as every other thing you mentioned.


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Changing the name of Dudley Bus Terminal and renaming it to Turner Terminal.

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1313 Corruption Court? 1000 Payoff Park?

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Not only is the area being taken away, but it's being given a new name, Nubian Square. What's wrong with the name Dudley Square?

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