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Tread carefully this icy Christmas

Man falling on icy steps

JJFree shows off her husband's form on some ice-covered steps in Needham this morning:

He wasn't alone:

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A Facebook friend on Winter Hill in Somerville posted a 3-second video of himself falling down his front stairs. (It was friends-only, so I can't link to it here)

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I also took this exact same fall this morning, and now I'm feeling really grateful that we don't have a Ring.

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I was surprisingly unharmed. Not even an ache or pain. No video to prove it but it did happen.

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If they were too lazy to salt their own steps, they surely did not salt their sidewalks.

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Good ol' ZR - used to be a staple of Northwest winters, now Boston gets to learn all about it!

Everyone be careful out there. Next time freeZing Rain is in the forecast, get out ahead of it with your favorite deicers. Scatter it around before the storm hits - you won't be sorry.

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I hope her husband was alright.

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The only thing bruised, maybe, was his ego.

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