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Nazi brownpants with riot shields parade through Boston after members pulled out of clown-car U-Haul in Idaho

Nazis at Copley Square library

Nazis under flags they couldn't tear down in Copley Square. Photo by twonickles.

Update: They even used a U-Haul in Boston, but to haul away their riot shields.

Twonickels sums up the scene in Copley Square this afternoon:

Walked out of the building to get my lunch and directly into a crowd of fucking nazis with riot shields.

They were members of the Patriot Front, yes, the group that stuffed 31 guys into a U-Haul in Idaho.

Under the blazing sun in humid temperatures, grown men in balaclavas, and many in long-sleeve blue shirts, gathered at Haymarket, and proceeded to prance and pose in front of key tourist locations, including the Freedom Trail in general, gathered in front of Back Bay station - after some opposition - for one last pose before they got on the Orange Line to Oak Grove, where they may have been met by some counter-protesters and then into vehicles for the ride out of town - one of their vehicles may have been stopped and towed away on 128 north by State Police for having an expired Washington-state registration.



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The wrong people are dying (or not dying) in the back of trucks.

You’d think the master race could charter a proper bus.

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"You’d think the master race could charter a proper bus."

No, these guys don't have much of anything. Remember that time they were having a much ballyhooed rally on the Common and about eight billion counterprotestors showed up and caused a big ruckus with the cops? Meanwhile something like seven octogenarian Nazi guys showed up and didn't even have a PA system. I don't even think they had a bullhorn. They soon high-tailed it right out of there. They are a pathetic little bunch of losers.

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They exist.

Just saying.

Any choral groups up to a rousing chorus of Springtime for Hitler?

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One of my thoughts was that they would let loose into a performance of Springtime for Hitler. Including the schnitzel, strudel and other volk haberdashery.

Not to understate the fact that these men are dangerous. Note: Only men? If so, can they not trust themselves in close quarters with neo-nazi-frauleins?

I don't fear them. They want to be feared; they want people to be afraid. They have already lost the battle that they want and will not be fought.

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Why is it that White Supremacists are always the least supreme White specimens?

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Never thought I would see the day when Nazis and Vandals rode the rails. Someday I might actually see the Transit Police on a train.

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I don't know if it's irony or coincidence, but it makes me very sad that we are back to this.

"Nazis of Copley Square — Charles R. Gallagher | Harvard University Press" https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674983717

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The American eugenicists of the early 20th century were following a similar philosophy of biological purity. And that included forcibly sterilizing anyone they considered likely to give birth to ... take your pick: imbeciles, idiots, etc. And they were successful in some parts of the nation. People were forcibly sterilized - against their will.

Home grown NAZIs were part of the US until Germany declared war on the US. But had Germany not declared war on the US? Hitler hoped that the US would stay out of Europe and let him conquer all of Europe. He believed the US would work with Germany to stamp out undesirables, impure and imperfect. Afterall the US was a scion of the English whom Hitler also believed would ultimately accept German rule.

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This is totally unacceptable. This shit would be illegal in Germany, WHY IS IT LEGAL HERE?
How many Americans DIED fighting the Nazis and this happens??? SHAME.

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US has it Germany doesn’t.
And just in general this crowd just marched around like assholes.
I’m all for dropping the hammer on these clowns but let’s get some good charges on them.

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I’m quite glad I wasn’t in the area at this time as I would be in jail right now.

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the Tough Guy comments.

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In order to march in the City of Boston, don't you need a permit? If so, I wonder who approved this??

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you need uniformed officers to do the arresting, and, well... do y'all ask where Miley is whenever Hannah Montana comes out on stage?

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I can see why people would be upset, but yet drag queen reading hours...

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…but I could have sworn Comic-Con was like two months ago. Dress up is fun. And at least they wore masks. These people are tiresome. On the other hand, these displays are becoming more frequent and we laugh now…given the SCOTUS actions the electoral shenanigans, is it me or is the water getting warmer? Ribbet.

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Today’s demonstration was not Comic-Con, it was the second session of the MA GOP convention.

Hey Geoff…take off the mask!

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Oh, forgot, he’s never been leader of anything, only a follower.

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on how to make this problem go away and stay out of the media.

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Do you think this stuff will go away when he’s out of office? Who will you complain about when it does?

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I’ll hold ya to it too

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Not really clear on who is laughing.

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...der braune Dreck!

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One hasn’t been able to get to Oak Square from Copley Square by rail since the 1960s.

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Mistake fixed.

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the goal is to reclaim exactly what and from whom?

And if it’s a philosophy that you feel strongly enough about that you buy the costume, isn’t it a little disingenuous that you’re afraid to show your face while advocating your ‘supremacy’?

“I hate ‘X’ so much, so I’m going to drive to another state to dress up and march around.

But you know, I’d prefer not to show my face because once I was seen, well, I’d have to acknowledge and discuss my hatred with my family, my unsuspecting friends and my colleagues, oh and as my job is ‘at will’, I’ll probably get shitcanned too.

So, I’m wearing my balaclava and headed to Boston, oh, and trust me, I’m not some closet case who gets off by dressing in fascist drag and who gets aroused when discussing violence with my equally unstable friends, I just really hate ‘X’.”

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I generally agree with what you've said here. But suggesting that they are "closet cases" and talking about "fascist drag" and speculating that they "get aroused when discussing violence with [their] equally unstable friends" only helps to reinforce the idea of homosexuality as deserving of stigmatized status. You may not be aware of this, but Hitler's critics and opponents frequently used the fact that there were gay men in his movement (most prominently but not exclusively Ernst Roehm) as one more reason to attack it: their criticism of the Nazis was based in part on its tolerance (in limited ways, and not permanently) of the presence of gay men. See "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", otherwise a fine work, but the dated homophobia is to its detriment. It isn't something to emulate.

(yes, I'm perfectly aware of the night of the long knives, and the pink triangles. Doesn't change this)

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Credit where credit is due I guess.

You know, overlooking the whole brown shirt thing for a moment.

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I wonder who would render aide to these fellows if they fainted? Props to the BPD for towing the scoff law riding around in an unregistered vehicle.

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I’m so glad that the library still has their Pride flags up.

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At least Idaho stopped it before it could happen.

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They got tipped off by someone who saw them loading into that U-Haul. This case is a little alarming for that reason: usually these goobers lack any kind of discipline when it comes to keeping secrets, but it looks like they succeeded this time.

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Neo-NAZIs, with US flags, underneath flags recognizing lesbians, gay men, bi folks and transexuals.

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