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My eyes, my eyes!

Dear Somerville News,

If you want people to take you seriously on the Web, you need to ditch the white-on-black "design" and go back to something normal people can read (helpful hint: red on black is even worse). Otherwise, people will take one look at your site and think it's run by a couple of 16-year-old goth wannabes and flee before their eyes start to burn.


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When trees fall

Solomon is definitely a top contender in the most extreme thing that happened during last night's storm competition.

Erika addresses Mother Nature:

.. I'm tired of being nice. You're a cold, heartless bitch. ...

Erika's Mother Nature must be the one who ran a red light just as Karl was crossing the street at the height of the storm. But he got his revenge:

... I took my umbrella and stuck it straight out so it scratched all the way down the side of her car as she sped by. I was so happy. ...

More snow comments.


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Rule breaker!

John confesses:

I admit I wore jeans to Symphony Hall last weekend and I thought I detected sniffs of disapproval from some of the regulars. (And those were my good jeans!)


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Sox to buy more properties in the West Fens

Cross-post from my blog.

The Boston Globe says the Red Sox are looking to buy the Town Taxi garage on Ipswich Street and the McDonalds and WBCN building on Boylston Street.

'We have tried to stay quiet about it," said Janet Marie Smith, the architect of the Red Sox's plans to remake Fenway Park. She and other Red Sox officials said there are no immediate plans for major changes to the properties, though the deals should allow the team to continue to shift offices out of the park to make room for fans. ''We have been looking for anything in the area that might help us with our space problems," she said. ''It surprised us it took three years to find a single property."


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Boston WiFi Meetup Coming Up on Wednesday, March 9th

The March 2005 edition of the Boston WiFi Meetup is Wednesday, March 9th at 7PM. We're meeting at Toscanini's in Central Square, located at 899 Main Street. We'll be talking about the Boston WiFi Summit that Boston City Councillor John Tobin is putting together and whatever else comes up.


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And how was your commute?

Stop and go but mostly stop

Mine was slow enough I could safely take a photo of stopped cars on Rte. 128 at Rte. 9.

And then when I got home, the news was on and I got to hear Dickie refer to "elements of snow moving into the Boston area." Elements of snow? Is that plowable?


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Maybe they could call it Harvard Bonehead School

Philip deconstructs the alleged uber-hacking that let a bunch of anxious Harvard B-School applicants peek at the status of their applications:

... All the smart young Americans have gone to law, business, and medical school. Companies don't like to hire old people (> 30 years) to write computer programs because it saddens them to see old folks doing something so degrading. Thus ApplyYourself hired whoever was rejected by professional schools to write up some Visual Basic scripts to process HBS and other B-school applications. ... In the 1960s the term "hacking" meant smart people developing useful and innovative computer software. In the 1990s the term meant smart evil people developing and running programs to break into computer systems and gain shell access to those systems. Thanks to Harvard Business school the term now means "people of average IQ poking around curiously by editing URLs on public servers and seeing what comes back in the form of directory listings, etc."

For the technically minded, Tim points to a description of the hack. He adds:

... ApplyYourself's system doesn't appear to meet even minimal standards for securing the sensitive information with which it is being entrusted. ...


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We do still have libel laws, don't we?

This morning's Herald has a (300-point) headline reading BEATEN TO DEATH along with a picture of Dontell Jeffers, the little boy who recently died while in foster care.

I didn't get the, uh, opportunity to read the actual story, but I see in 3 other accounts of the story that all that is known now is that the boy died shortly after going into cardiac arrest while in the hospital and that relatives had raised questions of physical abuse after visiting with the child recently. No one's been charged with anything, no cause of death has been determined, and there's no mention of any other findings during the child's hospitalization.



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The T stinks

No, really, Alyssa says:

There you are reading your weird novel when you turn your head just slightly and catch a whiff. You look around expecting to see a mass of rotting flesh or a pile of feces or possibly a rutting bear. Instead you just see regular looking people.

What did you people eat?

Yesterday a nice looking man sat next to me and he smelled like he'd just eat handfuls of onions and garlic. A delicious scent if you've shared a meal with your sweetie – but unpleasant in the small confines of the T. ...


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So close ...

Howard discusses how close he came to having his picture taken with a giant vagina at the Milky Way Lounge and Lanes in J.P. on Sunday

... But Mer forgot her ID and the dickhead and his clit partner at the door wouldn't let us in to even see the giant vagina. ...

What else he missed.


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Firefighters are hot

Blogorelli is reminded of the fact when she and a friend stop to watch firefighters put out a house fire near Davis Square:

... It was like that Diet Coke commercial with the secretaries and the construction worker, except it was ME and the Boston Firemen! Whew.


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Weekend getaway

Megan shows how you don't have to go very far at all to have a romantic weekend.


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A sign of spring in Fenway

Evan notes the annual pre-spring re-emergence of the Mad Fenway Trumpeter:

... This guy lurks in the alleys in the Fenway neighborhood, occasionally making some sort of duck call with his fist followed by some horrible sounding blasts with a trumpet he carries around hanging from his pants pocket. I will oftentimes catch him behind my apartment building beneath my window, but I've also seen him in the local Jersey Street Liquor store mumbling with the owner that "it just ain't right, ain't right." ...


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Buddhas in bathtubs

Drive around enough neighborhoods within 128 and you're going to run into Madonnas in Bathtubs - statues of the Virgin Mary enshrined inside old clawfoot bathtubs that've been up-ended, partially buried and then painted a bright blue. Dan reports that Chinese Buddhists moving into Somerville are finding these shrines handy:

... Upon finding lawns with a tasteful lawn decoration of a bathtub with feet planted into the ground with the mother of the lord Jesus Christ in front of it, they tastefully removed Mary and put obese but jolly Buddha sculptures into the half-shells instead. That is why if you look carefully into some yards around Boston that you will find a Buddha in a bathtub. ...

Ed. note: If anybody happens to have a picture of a Buddha in a bathtub, I'd just love you to pieces if you could forward for posting here.


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Today's phrase that pays: "A bit of a stretch"

The New York Times today resorts to that catch-all academic field - sociology - to somehow prove the Yankees are better than Our Boys:

... But social scientists who have studied group performance under pressure say that often it is decentralized groups (like the Yankees) that prove more resilient than strongly connected ones (like the Red Sox); they are better able to weather outside criticism and internal quarrels. ...

Yes, we all know how well that worked last year. Neener, neener, 2004! Yankees choke! Sorry, couldn't help myself.


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The most interesting Boston street you've never heard of?

There's no better place to watch the melting pot that Boston is becoming than River Street and Fairmount Avenue in Hyde Park (it's basically one street; River jags off by the municipal building).

Buy some black-pride t-shirts right down the block from an old Irish bar. Visit J&M (above) for an eclectic variety of figurines (and basics such as pots and pans). Hungry? Try some Dominican seafood at El Fogon (right next door to Melinda's Taqueria and across the street from the old-time Dotty's ice-cream parlor). And check out the small but growing number of galleries and gift shops:

Hyde Park has an important place in the history of black America - the 54th Massachusetts, the first black regiment in the U.S. Army, trained here before heading to South Carolina during the Civil War:

The two streets offer the urban connoisseur an interesting palette of textures to observe among its wide variety of building types:

The building below looks like it belongs in New Hampshire or Vermont, but it's off Second New Way (hmm, wonder where First New Way is?), a small street off Fairmount:

Want to take a look for yourself? Take the commuter rail out of South Station or Back Bay to either Hyde Park or Fairmount (they're at opposite ends of the River/Fairmount stretch). Or take the Orange Line to Forest Hills and then the 50 bus to Cleary Square (important note: this line stops running around 7:15 p.m.) or the 32 bus to Wolcott Square (which is where River Street turns into Fairmount Street).


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Do ads work if all they do is make you go "WTF?"

Neither Evan nor coworkers can figure out what the deal is with all the Dixie cups in the body-spray ads at T stops around town.


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Remember that yellowish lollipop mobile thing that used to be in the Financial District? John takes a photo of it in its newish home off Ruggles Street in Roxbury.


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Just curious

Remember this past fall when some Harvard/Yale parties got out of hand in Allston and Boston police arrested a bunch of Harvard boys? How come the Herald didn't run a blaring


headline on the front page? Could it be that Harvard men, just aren't as tittilating as Wellesley lesbians?

And speaking of that story, the photo that accompanies it makes me glad I'm not a news photographer. Imagine having to get down in the mud and ice, your face and lens right on the ground next to an emtpy malt-liquor bottle, as you wait for some unsuspecting student (hopefully, a lesbian) to walk by.


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Bus drivers from hell

What is it with school bus drivers who run early? Jody reports that her son's driver drove right by them as they were heading down their driveway this morning:

... I screamed at him to run, and we took off up the street, where she was stopping to pick up this other little girl. I screamed "Hold the bus!" to this little girl, who was staring at us, and as we neared the back of the bus, with me staring into the side rear-view mirror, the bus driver drove away from us. Now at least a dozen kids on the bus saw us running, either down the driveway (as I waved my arms) or as we trailed the bus. Did none of them say anything? Or did the she-devil bus driver ignore them all? ...

Note: My bus-driver horror story


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