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Stony Brook Reservation

By adamg - 7/28/18 - 10:56 am
Proposed routes of West Roxbury Parkway in 1894

Three possible routes for a West Roxbury parkway. See it larger.

In the mid-1890s, city officials began looking at connecting the new city-owned Emerald Necklace parks with the giant Blue Hills Reservation the state Metropolitan District Commission was putting together just south of the city and the town of Hyde Park. Read more.

By adamg - 4/28/18 - 8:16 am

BJ Ray reports he was walking his two dogs in Stony Brook Reservation (where West Roxbury, Hyde Park and Roslindale come together) around 10:30 a.m. on Thursday when the dogs darted after something - and promptly got attacked by about six coyotes.

3 or 4 dragged May off out of my sight. I was running through the woods at top speed and screaming. Rosie was unscathed and May was missing for a good 2 or 3 minutes. I was screaming for her (and freaking out) until finally she popped out from behind or under a rock. She had a few scrapes and a cut on her back. The coyotes didn't run away, by the way. They were half surrounding us and barking/howling. It was pretty harrowing.

By adamg - 1/26/18 - 12:15 pm

UPDATE: Nothing found, Steve Cooper at WHDH reports.

WCVB reports that State Police are combing land around Turtle Pond off Enneking Parkway for Joseph Brancato, 21, last seen several weeks ago on Mendelssohn Street in Roslindale, where he was staying with a Marine recruiter. NECN reports that among the agencies that sent investigators to the area is NCIS, which investigates possible criminal activity in the Marine Corps.

By adamg - 11/8/17 - 2:55 pm
Deer in Stony Brook Reservation

Was on the way to Turtle Pond on the main path from the Hyde Park side of Stony Brook Reservation around 2:20 p.m. when I looked down path 206 to see this deer looking at me. We looked at each other for a minute or two and then he (she? I'm a city kid, what do I know?) bounded off into the woods.

By adamg - 11/2/17 - 8:59 pm
Felicia McGuyer

NECN reports two days worth of digging in the woods of Stony Brook Reservation is for evidence related to the 2007 disappearance of Felicia McGuyer. Read more.

By adamg - 11/2/17 - 10:16 am

State Police and FBI investigators, some in biohazard suits and a backhoe are in the woods of Stony Brook Reservation, across Enneking Parkway from the Turtle Pond dock for their second day of digging. NBC Boston reports the woman was reported missing in October, 2007.

By adamg - 8/20/17 - 1:01 pm
Horses in Hyde Park

The Lonely Wizard enjoyed meeting a pair of DCR rangers and their steeds at Smith Field in Hyde Park this morning.

By adamg - 6/15/17 - 3:17 pm

Boston firefighters are in Stony Brook Reservation, battling three separate brush fires, near the Washington Street side, roughly across from Heron Street.

UPDATE: Fire went to second alarm around 3:50 p.m. as BFD brought in more firefighters to connect distant hydrants to the crews in the woods. Firefighters were also warned to be careful due to a large bee colony discovered near one engine and to watch for trees that might fall.

By adamg - 4/10/17 - 9:33 am

Graffiti at Thompson Center

Larry Johnson spent some time recently at the Thompson Center, which some residents want to turn into a multi-use dog park, but which state Rep. Angelo Scaccia is fighting to keep it just the way it is.

Artists have complete freedom of expression here in billboard size pieces and are not fettered by the limitations put upon them by "community standards" or neighborhood associations who govern what can be put on public walls, or commercial concerns, or "acceptable" material teenagers can create on a mural project under adult supervision. This outdoor gallery is a unique museum of these creations, ever changing and challenging convention.

By adamg - 4/2/17 - 5:44 pm
Fire in Stony Brook Reservation

Jake ran across this bucolic scene inside Stony Brook Reservation this afternoon. No, this probably won't cause any brush fires today, given how wet the ground is from yesterday's snow/sleet/rain, but it might show one of the reasons why, pretty much every spring, Boston firefighters have to haul hoses deep into the woods because they erupt in flames. Read more.

By adamg - 3/30/17 - 10:20 pm
Moss in a vernal pool in Stony Brook Reservation

Stony Brook Reservation is still painted largely in palettes of gray and brown. But the vernal pools there - some still with a coating of ice - have some brilliant emerald-green swatches.

By adamg - 3/21/17 - 10:22 pm

DCR Commissioner Leo Roy tonight unveiled a proposal to set aside all of Stony Brook Reservation west of Enneking Parkway - 140 acres of the 475-acre forest - for a dog park that would feature about a three-acre area of fenced-in play space and several miles of trails through the woods where owners could let their dogs roam free. Read more.

By adamg - 3/20/17 - 8:59 pm

Backers of a plan to turn a needle-infested, abandoned recreation complex in Stony Brook Reservation into a dog park get a chance to convince DCR to let them go forward at a meeting in Hyde Park on Tuesday. Read more.

By adamg - 3/19/17 - 7:03 pm

TC reports seeing a rooster, live and kickin', at the four-way stop in the middle of Stony Brook Reservation around 6:30 p.m.

By adamg - 2/2/17 - 12:30 pm
John Gatley

On Feb. 2, 1875, James Gatley quietly died in Grew's Woods, a vast expanse of woods and hills on what was then the Hyde Park/West Roxbury town line, where he'd lived in a 10x12 hut for nearly three decades, studying and stuffing the local birds and reptiles. Read more.

By adamg - 1/24/17 - 10:47 pm

For 40 minutes, puzzled newcomers at a meeting of the Dog Park Association of Southwest Boston tonight couldn't figure why DCR had abruptly abandoned work with the group to turn the decaying nine-acre Thompson Center in Stony Brook Reservation into Hyde Park's first dog park - to the point of refusing to even let group members see the consultant's plans the group had partially paid for. Read more.

By adamg - 1/12/17 - 9:42 am

State Police are investigating a fatal crash on Enneking Parkway near Gordon Avenue around 7:30 p.m. yesterday in which one driver apparently swerved onto the wrong side of the road.

According to the Suffolk County District Attorney's office: Read more.

By adamg - 1/8/17 - 8:51 pm
Turtle Pond after the snow

Mark Smith and friends checked out Stony Brook Reservation's Turtle Pond today.

By adamg - 12/25/16 - 1:48 pm

Deep in Stony Brook Reservation is a lost valley where it always snows on Christmas Eve, or, at least, it did yesterday.

By adamg - 10/20/16 - 9:17 am

The Bulletin reports on the efforts of the Dog Park Association of Southwest Boston to convince the state to turn the long shuttered Thompson Center in Hyde Park into a dog park. In addition to general state inertia, the group also has to contend with advocates for children - who say the center should be restored to its original use as a park for kids with disabilities - and senior citizens.

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