By adamg - 2/7/25 - 2:42 pm

The University of Massachusetts legal office today notified workers at all of its campuses today on what to do if somebody from ICE - or any other government agency - shows up and starts asking questions about students or other employees: Tell them nothing and send them to the UMass Office of the General Counsel (OGC) or, if they have a warrant, to the campus police. Read more.

By adamg - 2/6/25 - 12:40 pm

The president yesterday signed one of his executive orders, this time to ban transgender athletes. Our Charlie Baker, now head of the NCAA, immediately complied, expressing gratitude for "a clear, national standard" he can get behind. Read more

By adamg - 5/26/24 - 12:22 pm

A parched citizen files a 311 complaint:

No damn bubbler for miles walking around UMass Boston and JFK museum? That's criminal

Bubbling water off UMass Boston
By adamg - 8/26/23 - 9:01 pm

A concerned citizen filed a 311 report about mystery bubbling in the water just off the rocks along the UMass Boston campus. Read more.

By adamg - 3/9/23 - 10:49 am

The Dorchester Reporter reports a metal panel from the big old Bayside Expo sign, which advertises an expo center on Columbia Point that was demolished years ago, plunged to the parking lot below recently. No injuries. Read more.

By adamg - 1/27/23 - 10:00 am

The Dorchester Reporter takes a look at Mayor Wu's plans for a "Year 13" pilot, in which students at Fenway High School could graduate into a free, year-long program at UMass Boston. The school already lets students take classes at UMass and Wentworth, but that program ends once they graduate.

By adamg - 1/18/23 - 10:33 am

UMass Boston still recommends people wear masks indoors, but says that effective today, it's no longer a requirement.

The Columbia Point school had announced the return of a masking requirement as the area Covid-19 rate was rising, but now: Read more.

By adamg - 1/6/23 - 5:28 pm

UMass Boston announced today that masks will be required in all campus buildings and buses - and large outdoor gatherings - starting Monday. Read more.

By adamg - 10/25/22 - 9:53 pm

UMass Boston Police sent an advisory to university staffers tonight about gunfire shortly before 8 p.m. in the Bayside parking lot behind 150 Mt. Vernon St. and the DoubleTree Hotel. Boston and UMass Police are investigating.

By adamg - 10/11/22 - 11:30 am

Boston Police report a Dorchester man who tried swiping a backpack from a member of the UMass cricket team during a practice at Harambee Park yesterday got about a half mile on foot before officers found him, the backpack and the knife he allegedly displayed at team members who were chasing him. Read more.

By adamg - 9/9/22 - 9:33 am

President Biden comes to town Monday to announce a "cancer moonshot" program at the JFK Library - and UMass Boston is moving classes to online for the day. Read more.

By adamg - 8/27/21 - 1:42 pm

A federal judge today tossed a request from students at the University of Massachusetts campuses in Lowell and Boston to force the schools to let them attend classes without getting Covid-19 shots. Read more.

By adamg - 7/31/21 - 11:53 am

A student at UMass Boston and one at UMass Lowell yesterday sued over their schools' requirements they get vaccinated against Covid-19 or be barred from campus this fall, saying the requirement violates their constitutional rights and that it's just not fair that they have to get what they consider risky shots when professors don't, especially since, they claim, masks and social distancing are just as good as shots. Read more.

Architect's rendering of new Dorchester Bay City
By adamg - 9/23/20 - 4:02 pm

Kirk Sykes's Accordia Partners is proposing nearly 6 million square feet of construction, including 1,740 apartments, restaurant and retail space and some 4 million square feet of "office, research and development, life sciences and/or potentially academic uses" where the Bayside Expo Center used to be and where Santander Bank now runs a large check-processing center. Read more.

By adamg - 9/23/20 - 10:18 am

The Dorchester Reporter reports on ideas from eight developers for a ten-acre site on Columbia Point that includes the historic Calf Pasture sewage-pumping station.

By adamg - 2/1/20 - 1:41 pm

The state Department of Public Health and the University of Massachusetts Boston reported today that a UMass Boston student recently returned from Wuhan, China, was diagnosed with the 2019 novel coronavirus, the first in the state. Read more.

By adamg - 1/11/20 - 11:02 am

The Dorchester Reporter reports the state has issued an RFP for about ten acres of undeveloped UMass Boston land surrounding the decaying, historic Calf Pasture sewage pumping station.

By adamg - 12/31/19 - 11:49 am

The Supreme Judicial Court today dismissed a libel suit against the news editor of the UMass Boston student newspaper because the paper accurately reported accounts by campus police that they were looking for a man for some "suspicious" activity on a shuttle bus - and that means she is covered by a legal principle that protects journalists reporting on "official" statements and actions. Read more.

By adamg - 5/28/19 - 11:09 am

The Dorchester Reporter alerts us that UMass Boston will be holding commencement events on Thursday and Friday and that the university is warning of extra traffic on Morrissey and Day boulevards and Mt. Vernon Street.

By adamg - 9/17/18 - 11:44 am

The Massachusetts Appeals Court ruled today a worker at UMass Boston can proceed with a libel suit against the news editor at the campus newspaper, which published a photo of him in 2013 provided by campus police - who wanted to ask him whether he was photographing women on a shuttle bus from the JFK/UMass T stop to the school. Read more.