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South Station

By adamg - 12/29/12 - 11:51 am

Sarah M. tweets:

Little kid asks dad why toy train at South Station isn't moving, "because it's just like real life."

By adamg - 12/28/12 - 10:20 am

MBTA Transit Police report arresting William Gwiazda, 33, on charges he went up to an undercover cop at the South Station bus terminal around 7:30 p.m. yesterday, started chatting him up, then offered to sell him some methadone:

Ultimately Gwiazda did indeed sell the detective Methadone, a Controlled Class B substance as defined by Massachusetts General Law. In addition to the methadone Gwiazda sold to the UC he was also in possession of additional Methadone he was offering for sale.

By adamg - 11/27/12 - 3:52 pm

Starting tomorrow, riders on all commuter-rail and ferry lines will be able to use their Android or iOS phones instead of paper tickets. People who use the mobile tickets will get a $10 discount on monthly passes.

Still no integration with CharlieCards, however.

By adamg - 11/20/12 - 5:12 pm

Matt O'Connor tweeted around 4:30 p.m.:

South Station: girl, Northeastern Sweatshirt, literally carrying a hamper of dirty laundry.

To which Brian D'Amico, himself of the Huskie ilk, replies:

Well ... how else is the laundry going to get home?

By adamg - 11/16/12 - 8:56 am

Dolce the Yorkie. Photo by Transit Police.Dolce the Yorkie. Photo by Transit Police.

PradoMBTA Transit Police report arresting a Henderson, Nev., woman on animal-cruelty charges yesterday after witnesses reported she was pummeling a Yorkshire terrier in the woman's restroom at South Station.

Ana Prado was in town to answer a drug-trafficking charge in Suffolk Superior Court - she's the woman who allegedly left painkillers stuffed inside rubber gloves at the Logan Airport Hyatt when she checked out there on Sept. 14.

According to Transit Police, officers were alerted by a woman who'd just come out of the restroom in the commuter-rail section of the station:

By adamg - 10/4/12 - 11:21 am

South Station

South Station looks particularly ominous in this photo by Tim Sackton.

By adamg - 9/22/12 - 3:53 pm

Dandurant The pickpocketing victim told police the suspect was easy to spot - he was the guy with the big loops in his earlobes.

Sure enough, MBTA Transit Police report, when they found a guy with big loops in his earlobes outside the South Station bus terminal shortly before 6 p.m. yesterday, they also found her wallet.

Police say the man chatted up the woman, who, upon taking her leave, noticed she was now walletless:

By adamg - 9/21/12 - 6:38 am

The Herald reports a developer has been quietly asking about whether it could take over the stalled South Station skyscraper plan and build a casino there instead. No names mentioned, but presumably Caesars is not a possibility.

By adamg - 9/6/12 - 1:05 pm

GallagherMBTA Transit Police report officers on routine patrol at South Station on Tuesday morning noticed a guy "standing directly beneath a posted 'No Smoking' sign smoking a cigarette," and

By adamg - 9/5/12 - 6:18 pm

The MBTA says a police investigation into a report that some guy took a photo up the skirt of a woman on an escalator at South Station found the man was not a T employee.

"An MBTA employee has been ruled out by detectives investigating this report," MBTA spokesman Joshua Robin said. "There is still an investigation ongoing."

By adamg - 8/15/12 - 7:47 am

New sign at South Station. Photo by MBTA.New sign at South Station. Photo by MBTA.

By adamg - 6/25/12 - 9:05 am

One man's cautionary tale:

Basically a man (40ish, gray hair) and a woman (who looked a little like Julianne Moore) approached me and told me their bag was stolen, they needed money to take a cab home, and they would pay me back for it later. They showed me a fake police report, gave me their cell number (which has a voicemail box that isn't set up), and texted me their address in Marlborough (a house which is up for sale).

I thought to myself, this is a little weird, but hey, maybe these people really DO need help.

By adamg - 6/23/12 - 10:13 am

Items returned on the Red Line

Stuart Spina was on scene shortly after midnight when a northbound train out of Ashmont stopped halfway up the tracks at South Station and the driver got out to retrieve, well, OK, not a cute little kid's cute little stuffed bunny, but a purse and sweater a woman had somehow dropped on the tracks.

No immediate word if the MBTA is planning a new PSA campaign:

This is Chief Paul MacMillan of the MBTA Transit Police reminding you to stop dropping your damn stuff on the tracks. That yellow strip is there for a reason, people. Have a nice day, and thank you for riding the T.

By adamg - 6/11/12 - 8:46 am

Mayors and other civic leaders meet at South Station today to call for "statewide investment to build the 21st century transportation system Massachusetts needs." The conclave convenes at 2 p.m. in the station's mezzanine level.

Meanwhile, the T is getting ready with a bunch of bus-line cutbacks should the legislature not come through with $51 million for the 20th-century transportation system the Boston area uses today by July 1.

By adamg - 6/5/12 - 2:07 pm

Massport and the MBTA are teaming up on a three-month pilot project to provide free Silver Line rides from Logan to South Station.

By adamg - 5/28/12 - 6:08 pm

Steve Martin outside the Paul Revere House.

Matt Karolian spotted Steve Martin jamming outside the Paul Revere House in the North End this afternoon. Video!

Andrew Ricardo, meanwhile, spotted an Avenger in South Station - we can only assume Iron Man was not around to give him a ride up from Providence:

Captain America

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