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Brockton man sought for role in Red Line attack on man accused of upskirting


Transit Police report they are looking for Nicholas Dercolo, 18, of Brockton, on a charge of assault and battery on an elderly person for an incident on a Red Line train at South Station on June 11.

Tukan Manley, 31, of Boston, was arrested on charges he beat up and strangled the man, 66, after a woman sitting across from him accused him of photographing her crotch. Videos showed another man, apparently Dercolo, joining in the attack.

Anybody with information on Dercolo's whereabouts can contact detectives at 617-222-1050 or text an anonymous tip to 873873.

Innocent, etc.

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From now on your motto should be "See something do nothing." On a serious note is true that the policy of the MBTA when a brawl breaks out on a train that an official is sent to observe and report before they call the police so they can keep the trains moving.

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If you think someone's creeping, getting in their way and/or returning the favor by taking an identifiable pic of them are certainly more reasonable strategies.

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I am forms of vigilante justice.
Anyone who put their hands or the man accused of up skirting should be charged to the fullest extent of the law.

Like an internet you cannot always believe what is being said but should always look into what is being said. No action should happen until things are carefully looked into or investigated

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If we are to believe what TV news says, there was one channel that interviewed the so-called "up-skirter." His phone was checked by the MBTA police and he voluntarily showed everything and there were no illegal images on the phone.

We read that the passengers were upset about these allegations, but was it just that he was taking pictures in general.

Have we not all seen the "People of the MBTA" page on Facebook (if it's still there) which rivaled the "People of Walmart" pages?

There are plenty of people that think it is illegal to take a picture of anyone without permission, yet the law says if you are in a public place you are subject to being photographed by anyone.

If there was a suspicion that this guy was doing something wrong, you have the operator stop the train and call the T police and turn them in. You don't take the law into your own hands and administer swift and punitive justice.

The people that beat up on this guy may face serious assault charges. and if the victim gets a sharp lawyer that is looking for a pay day, then they could seek federal charges for interdicting his photography which would be a free press violation.

There is a lesson to be learned from this on both sides.

Not that long ago rail fans taking pictures in public places were being stopped by local, state, and federal police for taking legal images from legal land points. Somewhere along the line someone decided such imagery was against the Patriot act. Problem is, they were wrong. The rail photographers, many who make their living by publishing books of rail photography fought back, and in some regions are still fighting.

The MBTA was at one time trying to prohibit all photos inside their system but then found that passenger images of gropers was a great evidence tool to have. You can't have it both ways. The T does LIMIT photography from a safety standpoint, but they cannot prohibit it. When you run into an employee that says it is illegal, they are not informed. They may be fearing you are photographing them doing something wrong. Lots of that out there still as well.

So before everyone gangs up, you are not the police collecting the evidence.

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Adam hosts a respite for an awful lot of angry, disturbed people who consider themselves victims.

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The T does LIMIT photography from a safety standpoint

What are the limits, specifically?

There are plenty of people that think it is illegal to take a picture of anyone without permission, yet the law says if you are in a public place you are subject to being photographed by anyone.

I believe you are correct. I've occasionally been in the situation of taking photos in a public place (with an obvious "real camera" with a long lens barrel, not with a smartphone) and although I wasn't trying to photograph anyone in particular, some of the people in the shot thought I was out of line. (I was probably 50 or 100 feet away, not sticking the camera in their face.) I'm frankly not sure what, if any, federal/state/local laws might apply, but AFAIK I was doing nothing illegal. Possibly my behavior was obnoxious, I hope not, but my intentions were purely artistic.

I have to wonder whether this guy was actually creeping, or the woman just assumed he was. Makes a big difference.

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What I wanna know is, who does his eyebrows?

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did the right thing. A beating is the only thing that will deter these perverts from harassing women in the future. Imagine if it was your daughter, wife or sister being photographed in that way. Would you do nothing to protect them?

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