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Fire halts breadmaking at Cambridge bakery

The Cambridge Fire Department reports firefighters responded to Iggy's, 130 Fawcett St., shortly after 10 a.m. for a fire it says was quickly extinguished, with no injuries. Iggy's reports it hopes to re-open on Tuesday.

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Damn. Are there any baguettes that are better than Iggy's?

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That I’ve tasted.

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Ancienne baguettes from Clear Flour Bakery on Thorndike St in Brookline.

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I don't want to say that the band I like is better than that band that you like, but...

If you are traveling in Italy, and mention to an Italian that you are on your way to Florence, they will probably say, "don't eat the bread." If you ask a Florentine, they will say that they have the best bread in Italy. This is because the Florentines bake their bread without salt. To the Florentines, everybody else's bread is salty and horrible, and theirs is perfect, but to everybody else in Italy, and probably the world (including me), it is tasteless.

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Oh, I meant for people like us who can't afford Clear Flour.

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You and the mouse in your pocket?

Clear Flour is fantastic.

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I'm an extremely loyal Iggy's customer, buying 2 or 3 loaves a week, and am racked with anxiety by this development. However my favorite local baguette is from Tatte Bakery & Cafe in Harvard Square. Other locations presumably similar. I don't buy it regularly, because I'm not in the Square that often, and don't want to wait in line, but it's insanely good.

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Is this a pun?

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are pretty great. So are their garlic ciabattas.

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Any news from Cheryl Ann's about when or whether they will reopen?

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Progress is being made , finally ….waiting on equipment is a little tough, in these times …but we are full steam ahead

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At least there will be one week in April where Cheryl Ann's closure won't make any difference. :(

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after they had a fire at their original location in Watertown IIRC

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