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In just light snow, the T won't go

Empty, open Green Street

Open, non-functioning Green Street station at 7:44 a.m. Photo by Sunsan Ellsbree.

Update: GBH reports a transformer in South Boston failed, triggering a power surge that tripped a circuit breaker.

In the middle of rush hour, the MBTA lost power to the signaling systems on all its subway lines - and some stations just lost power, period - leaving some riders stranded and others breaking out their phones to call a ride-share to work.

At 8:05 a.m., the T reported it had fixed the power problem but that riders could expect "residual delays."

But at 8:32, the T went oops, no, the reset or whatever didn't fix signal problems at Forest Hills on the Orange Line and Copley on the Green Line. At 8:49, the T said it had fixed the problem at Forest Hills, but that the Copley problem was proving more intractable.



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To be fair, could the T have reasonably anticipated snow? In Boston? In February?

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Seriously. Are we at the point of the deliberate sabotage of the system?

Somehow the commuter rail is running fine but the inner core, not so much.

Perhaps, and I hate to say it, the Pioneer Institute was right.

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They had their chance to run it: that was Steve Poftak. I think the results speak for themselves.

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I thought that moving an hour south of Boston would make my commutes much more difficult, but honestly, the commuter rail is more reliable most days than the subway system I used to ride. It's really a bad situation... Boston can't function for long without reliable public transit.

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This is like a deliberately misleading Fox New Headline... just sayin. How about, Systemwide MBTA Power Outage (snow may or may now have been involved etc.) :-)

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I wasn't thinking the snow stopped the T, although that wouldn't surprise me, but because on a day where people particularly need reliable T service, because it's cold and snowy, the T failed to function.

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These power outages and issues could also be a result of the double whammy of CMEs we've taken over the past day with power issues being increased during solar storms. With the MBTA, you never really know for sure.

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What's a CME? Google and Wikipedia tell me that it's a financial exchange for trading derivatives.

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Which has resulted in some spectacular aurora action well to our north.

But see the link in the updated post: A transformer blew.

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sounds like puberty for stars ?

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When submitting complaint after the usual delays, form asks MTA to:

Contact My Employer to explain to them why I was late again because the T *!#&*#*# up.

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More electric stoves will help.

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so basically the t is an old house with fuse boxes instead of modern breakers where turning on the microwave will cause the hallway lite to go out.

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