A federal judge has sentenced Deondre Blanding, 27, of Roslindale, to five years in prison for engaging in a shootout in a pot deal gone bad on a residential street in Randolph, the US Attorney's office reports. Read more.
When Boston Animal Care and Control said last week they have found Moodini the Roslindale Steer, they said he was out back of the Walgreens off American Legion Highway near Crane Ledge, the wooded hill a Texas developer wants to blast to kingdom come to put in an apartment complex.
But one nearby resident says he has proof Moodini didn't just hoof it to the top of the hill - he spent considerable time on it, and he has proof in the form of photos of lots and lots of cow patties: Read more.
The Arnold Arboretum has filed plans to upgrade its Walter Street gate in Roslindale in part by replacing eight parking spaces with trees and improving the pedestrian paths along Bussey Brook near the entrance. Read more.
Distraction Brewing in Roslindale Square, which announced earlier this month it was closing forever tomorrow and selling its operations to another brewer, announced today that it's staying open. Read more.
The MSPCA reports Moodini the Roslindale Bull, um, Steer, is now comfortably ensconced at its Nevins Farm in Methuen, where he is undergoing state mandated medical testing and exams before he can be re-homed to an area more suitable for one of our larger mammals than woods out back of a strip mall in New England's largest city. Read more.
Boston animal-control officers and MSPCA farm-animal rescuers today captured the bull that had gone missing in Roslindale in June. Read more.
Jamaica Plain, Roslindale and Hyde Park Facebook groups tonight are full of accounts of people and vehicles getting stuck in a mating frenzy of zillions of tiny flying ants, in those neighborhoods and West Roxbury and Dedham, too (Update: Cambridge and Somerville, too). Read more.
A concerned resident filed a 311 complaint, along with the day's moodiest photo, about the lack of lights in the pedestrian tunnel under the Needham Line tracks between Belgrade Avenue and Fallon Field in Roslindale.
The Boston Parks and Recreation Department, which owns the Arnold Arboretum, and Harvard University, which has 858 years left on its lease of the land, have petitioned the city Public Improvement Commission to change the name of Bussey Street to Flora Way. Read more.
Mark Smith watched the storm clouds roll in over Roslindale Square this afternoon (the Municipal Building and the Greater Roslindale medical clinic building in the lower left).
The two outages that left part of Roslindale without lights or air conditioning yesterday were caused by "an underground cable fault" underneath Belgrade Avenue, an Eversource spokesperson said today. Read more.
The power failed for more than 1,000 homes and businesses between Belgrade Avenue, West Roxbury Parkway and Washington Street around 5:40 p.m., Eversource reports. Read more
The Boston Public Health Commission today announced the year's first batch of West Nile Virus-infected biters in Boston, in several neighborhoods. Read more.
Power's out in Roslindale in the area where Washington, Beech and Walworth streets conmingle in one of those three-way Boston intersections that are hard to navigate even when the traffic lights are working, given how many people run the lights, let alone now, when they're out and one resident reports "drivers are beeping" in an attempt to get through the mess.
Eversource reports a total of 385 residences and businesses are without power and estimates a 1 p.m. restoration time.
Pass reports from the area of Beech Street and Alpheus Road on Roslindale's Grew Hill that this morning he and his wife looked out into their backyard this morning and spotted a foraging deer - not something that particular area is known for (down the hill at the George Wright Golf Course or Sherrin Woods, sure): Read more.
Christine Ventura of West Roxbury and her son Teddy, 7, pulled over on Enneking Parkway yesterday to try some fishing off the dock at Turtle Pond in Stony Brook Reservation - even though all they had for bait was some ham from a Dunkin' sandwich. Read more.
Their ingenious burning plot foiled, the assholes on somebody's porch on Tyndale Street at 2 a.m. on Thursday instead ripped the flag down, WCVB reports, adding somebody tried to pull the flag down the day before and when that failed, kicked the house.
Mark Smith shares the morning sun on pine trees and grass on the Peter's Hill side of the Arnold Arboretum.
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