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The T

By adamg - 3/10/24 - 10:29 pm
Mace man and Lysol lady on the Green Line

Mace man and Lysol lady, surveillance photos via TPD.

Transit Police report they are looking for a man who maced numerous passengers on a Green Line trolley at Lechmere around 2:25 p.m. yesterday and a woman who sprayed Lysol into the eyes of a driver of a Green Line shuttle bus at Babcock Street around 11 p.m. on Feb. 21.

If either look familiar, contact detectives at 617-222-1050, anonymously if you prefer.

By adamg - 3/9/24 - 11:03 pm

Not everything that goes wrong on the T is the T's fault, it seems. First it was the little duck and today, the T says, it had to shut the Orange Line between Forest Hills and Back Bay after an overhead Amtrak power line unspooled or snapped or something near Ruggles, causing problems for the neighboring subway line. Read more.

By adamg - 3/9/24 - 11:40 am

The MBTA switched back to bustitution between Copley and Babcock Street on the B Line this morning after a trolley derailed near Kenmore Square shortly before 9 a.m. Also:

Cleveland Circle and Riverside trains will terminate at Kenmore. Westbound service will be rerouted to the E Branch at Copley. Riders can also use local bus route 57 for service between Babcock St and Copley.

By adamg - 3/8/24 - 11:53 am
Proposed extension of Silver Line to Everett and Sullivan squares

Proposed extension, via MBTA.

The MBTA and MassDOT said today they want to extend the Silver Line 3, which now terminates in Chelsea, to neighboring Everett and then to the Sullivan Square T stop - where riders will be able to ride a new breed of "high frequency buses" to Kendall Square. Read more.

By adamg - 3/7/24 - 6:05 pm
Green Line delay message: Train halted to save a baby duck

Update: Yes, it is a bit early for baby ducks. The duck was an adult female hooded merganser.

David Yamada took a screen capture of a Green Line delay message at 9:36 a.m. today: Read more.

By adamg - 3/2/24 - 11:58 am

The Dorchester Reporter talks to people with reservations about the $44-million project, which would include new center bus lanes.

By adamg - 3/1/24 - 9:25 am

A put-out citizen files a 311 complaint about the situation at Courthouse on the Silver Line:

City of Boston or MBTA, please do something: 3 people smoking weed INSIDE the entrance to the Silver Line Courthouse station, top of escalator. At the same station, one person blasting music at the lobby practicing skate boarding for the Olympics. 5:45 pm, Thursday February 29, 2024.

By adamg - 2/29/24 - 3:05 pm

WCVB reports MBTA General Manager Phil Eng said today that the power cable that shorted out or blew up or something that tripped all the other power cables at North Station to shut down, taking the Blue, Green and Orange lines with them didn't belong to National Grid - it was the MBTA's own cable. Read more.

By adamg - 2/26/24 - 9:54 pm

At 8:51 p.m., the MBTA reported a Red Line train pulled up lame at Downtown Crossing, causing delays of up to 20 minutes.

By adamg - 2/23/24 - 9:20 am

A man screaming about masks attacked a 69-year-old woman at the State Street Orange Line stop Wednesday afternoon, ripping her mask off, knocking her to the floor and trying to drag her to the tracks before a bystander intervened, Transit Police and WBZ report. Read more.

By adamg - 2/22/24 - 9:38 am
Car on fire on the Copley ramp from the Pru tunnel

Teddy Kokoros reports he was on his usual bus ride from Watertown into Boston around 7:15 this morning when he looked out the window in the Pru Tunnel to see a car fully engulfed in flames on the Copley offramp. Sounds like the car occupants were able to get out OK, at least, neither BFD nor State Police called for an ambulance.

By adamg - 2/20/24 - 12:00 pm

At 11:17 a.m., the MBTA reported: "Delays of about 15 minutes while personnel complete a track repair between Haymarket and State." They have since updated the track is no longer whack.

By adamg - 2/20/24 - 9:10 am
Storrowed truck in Walpole

Photo via Transit PD.

Transit Police report what little traffic there was on West Street in Walpole around noon on Friday was disrupted when the driver of a garbage truck seemed to think his truck was 10'9" when it was really, oh, 10'11". No injuries, truck extricated, driver cited and, after an inspection, the bridge was, once again, declared the latest winner of a storrowing match.

By adamg - 2/19/24 - 9:02 pm
Inside a Green Line trolley with no lights on

Michael A. Burstein reports he was on an inbound C Line trolley this afternoon when it dipped into the tunnel between St. Mary's and Kenmore and suddenly the lights went off and all the riders were plunged into a nightmarish world where they had to outgun all the other riders - and a series of underworld wraiths, each worse than the one before. OK, OK, the driver rebooted the train, the regular lights came back on and the rest of the journey proved uneventful.

By adamg - 2/19/24 - 1:25 pm

The MBTA reported delays on the B Line at 12:36 p.m after a trolley died at Packard's Corner.

By adamg - 2/16/24 - 9:24 pm

At 8:17 p.m., the MBTA reported delays on the Orange Line, when one of the new trains exhaled its last at Community College. At 8:41 p.m., the T reported delays on the Red Line when a train died at Park. The T did no say if that was one of the new Red Line trains, one of the old Red Line trains or one of the even older Red Line trains.

By adamg - 2/16/24 - 9:53 am
Wanted for assault and battery

Surveillance photo of suspect via TPD.

Transit Police report they are looking for a guy they say threw a lit cigarette at a man's face - causing a burn - and then "displayed a knife in a threatening manner" at South Station around 6 a.m. on Tuesday.

If he looks familiar, contact detectives, anonymously if you prefer, at 617-222-1050.

By adamg - 2/16/24 - 9:39 am
Woman in car refuses to back up from Silver Line Tunnel

Roman the roving UHub photographer was on a Silver Line bus that had just hurtled through the route's tunnel this morning when he noticed a woman in a vehicle that was definitely not a bus. He reports: Read more

By adamg - 2/15/24 - 2:58 pm
Making a video about the new faregates

John Mcboston watched as a T crew filmed an actor and commuters making a video at North Station about how to use the new faregates - just moments before all faregates everywhere on the T were set to spring free for four hours as recompense, or something, for this morning's non-service.

By adamg - 2/15/24 - 12:38 pm

MBTA General Manager Phil Eng says the T's subway lines will be free between 3 and 7 p.m. to try to make up for this morning's three-line disaster, which he blamed on some sort of failure in a National Grid "feeder cable" supplying power to the T via North Station. Read more.

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